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Your Income Potential is Multiplied With a Funded Proposal Offer

What your upline is teaching you: send as much traffic as you can to your website, generate as many leads as possible, and then call them up.

That works great, but unless your leads join your company, you’re really not making any money from them. Your income potential would be great multiplied if those leads were paying to receive your attention.

Before we start talking about how to start making money from your leads, we need to identify what leads a visitor to sign up on your site.

On a home business opportunity site, your prospects are signing up for information on that opportunity. If you have a personal website, branding You Inc., prospects are looking for your expertise and leadership. They believe you can lead them to success.

Their research at this point is still in an initial step; they do want to purchase, but they don’t know from who, or what, yet. Their request for more information represents the beginning of a delicate sales process. If you try hard-selling them into your business, you are likely to scare them away, and they will go back to researching.

What a funded proposal does is give your prospects a “test-drive” of what your company, or your leadership, offers; since your prospects have asked for more information, you offer them the opportunity to experience a sample of what being in business with you is like.

A great analogy for this concept is how kids make friends in a park: as two children meet for the first time, and before they can be friends, an offer has to made to ally the parties. So, one of the kids offer the other one of his toys to play with, and now the initial awkwardness is forgotten.

Now that your prospects have one of your toys, you can go play together.

Your funded proposal accelerates their decision making process, and they feel like they know you enough to consider doing business with you. And you just saved a lot of energy, because they have done their research without you. When you do get on the phone with them, you’re past the introduction stage and can get right on to the qualifying process.

A great opportunity to make money upfront is to charge a small fee for your funded proposal. In order to get the most out of their research, your prospect is willing to pay $10, $15, or $20 just to get a taste of what’s to come. For example, they want to make money online: you offer them a $10 eBook on how to make money online, they buy it, and guess what – they make money online!

Because your proposal was valuable to them, you’re right on top of their list as a professional to pay attention to. And you made $10, without that prospect joining your business – yet!

A great example of how to leverage a funded proposal can be found on this site.

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