Wholesale Clothing – What Indicates the Best Suppliers?
Locating suppliers of clothing that suit your needs, whether your company is an eBay-specific shop, general e-commerce retailer or offline reseller can be a pretty difficult thing to do. A great way to start your hunt for quality garments is by using internet search engines like Google. This technique is very fast and will bring up a lot of companies to research. eBay is also a great source of information. Just remember at all times to make sure what you’re looking at are real companies by checking reviews, contacting the companies directly, and other measures like testing out cheap orders with them, asking for quotes or proposals, complete with prices, any discounts, delivery terms. Also look at the supplier’s/ wholesaler’s position financially, and its performance. If there are any problems it can be beneficial to ask how they were dealt with. Defensive and uncooperative resolutions, rather than prompt and helpful outcomes show suppliers that may be not be worth doing business with.
To help you in your search for quality clothing wholesalers it helps to know what sets the best apart from the rest. Remember that when dealing with suppliers of any kind you must always keep in mind prices, delivery times, maintenance, payment modes, quality and additional services they provide. No just your run of the mill suppliers, the best wholesalers tend to cover the following:
o Clothing wholesalers with 10+ years of business/ experience, well known and respected (family or corporate are both fine!) in the fashion/ retail world
o Massive and ever revised/ expanding garment selections – rare or unusual through to popular and brand name sellers, as well as many larger profit products
o Great customer service, 24/7, specialist knowledge in fashion retailing, tips on beating fierce competition and running and marketing online clothing stores is helpful. Also, a willingness to source or offer advice on unstocked apparel is very useful!
o Wholesalers should be able to keep costs to you at a minimum by such things as their suppliers offering the wholesalers favourable prices on products and their delivery. In fact, believe it or not, if your communication with them has been favourable, and you have helped them make a reasonable amount of money suppliers have been known to bail out the reseller when difficult demands are made on them by the reseller’s customers!
o Wholesalers ideally check their suppliers before recommending/ selling any products to resellers. The best is where dedicated review teams are set up who test delivery, general product availability, customer service etc
o Wholesalers ideally provide a ratings system for suppliers they list, commented on by their reseller clients. Retailers can then easily avoid poor performers
o Professional dropship service that has a range of up-to-the-minute options e.g. the current idea of ‘custom’ clothing/ packaging labelling/ graphics – all designated by you the reseller
o Super savings on bulk orders e.g. up to 90% off standard wholesale pricing
o Stock closeout clothing, wholesale clothing and off price apparel
o Open invitation to turn up at the wholesaler’s warehouse at any time unannounced (during working hours) to ask questions or have a look at any of their products/ showrooms, and to order. Often you can get faster deliveries on orders this way
o Sources of products should come from a wide variety of places e.g. other wholesalers (transparency is important here!), manufacturers, liquidators and dropshippers
o Clothing should be easily shipped internationally, suppliers should be globally represented
o There should be an ability to search a clothing wholesaler’s website for items, categories or companies efficiently.
o Wholesalers should be able to sell at very low, or zero minimum order quantities. This is important due to not everyone having the buying power of huge retail giants. An ability to team up with other retailers to make use of larger discounts can be amazing
o Comparison tables for a variety of search levels and advice on particularly effective methods of selling certain types of products is also highly useful
o Great returns and/ or exchange policies from clothing wholesalers can help massively with reseller customer confidence
As can be seen, there are many factors that show an attentive and interested supplier making those powerful extra steps to help you. What can be very rewarding is a relationship with the supplier that actually has a strong beneficial effect on their business. Such relationships tends to have less questions over supplier efforts to help you succeed. Locating and then teaming up with individual wholesalers/ dropshippers can take some time, the best deals tend to come to fruition over the longer-term.
What is amazing is that ALL of the vital characteristics and actions listed above can be found through joining one of the Internets largest wholesaler communities known as ‘Salehoo.com’. This involves a once off membership fee after which you can access wholesaler/ dropshipper listings that are chosen in an unbiased fashion, ensuring product ranges are supremely extensive and fairly priced, among the best you’ll find anywhere in fact!
Wholesale communities allow you the retailer to find quality products from reliable suppliers without the need for costly trial and error.
As with all new business ventures there is an element of risk that should not be ignored, however small. So, with Salehoo your only real risk is that of time wasted spent looking around their website to see if it fits your business. As this is a huge and highly regarded products sourcing professional, who’s services you can attain in literally minutes from now through downloads, using their easily navigable product website you can find this information out in no time. Additionally there is a complete no questions asked money back guarantee for up to 8wks, no real financial risk at all! Don’t just take our word for it, take a look for your self!