
The Chakras – Understanding and Balancing the Major 16 Chakras

The chakra system is an ancient system, known to many cultures for thousands of years. Chakra (pronounced CHUK-ruh) means wheel or circle in sanskrit. In Tibetan Buddhism the centres are called channel wheels. Taoist yoga is a complex discipline based on the control and circulation of these vital energies seen as vortexes.

Chakras are also called lotuses, which gives us some idea of the nature of the chakras. The lotus with its exquisite flowers blooming on the surface of the water, under the light of the Sun (spirit), has its roots buried in the muddy darkness of the depths (the physical). Just like the lotus blossom, the chakras can be closed, in bud, opening or blossoming, active or dormant.

The ancient western alchemical tradition used the chakra system, with metals and planets being assigned to the chakras in an elaborate system of correspondences, which formed the basis of the alchemists’ quest for spiritual transformation. With the decline of alchemical arts, knowledge of the chakras faded also. Interest in the chakras re-emerged in the west with the appearance of the Theosophy movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The chakra system is an energetic data storage system, very much like a computer, which many healers feel or see. It is the spiritual interface between the physical body, through the nervous system, our spirit body & the holographic web. The nervous system is our physical interface, communicating with all aspects of the physical, giving information to & receiving from the chakras. The chakras function as transmitters of energy from one level to another, distributing qi or prana to the physical body.

While there are many minor chakras in the body & at our joints, it is recognized that there are 7 major chakras between the groin and top of the head, with 2 others that are of major importance located approximately 18 inches above the top of the head, known as the Soul Star, the Earth Star, located approximately 18 inches below the feet. There are differences of opinion as to where some of the minor chakras are. I work with & balance 16 major chakras, from the Earth Star all the way to the Monad:Divine connection, some of which are not recognized by other healers or systems, making my healing work unique.

Personal experience is a vital part of western acceptance for everything, our, “I’ll believe it when I see it” syndrome, & limits humanity’s multi-sensory experiences. There are many reported incidences however, where people have had physical pain, in the heart for example, with no physiological reason found, even after extensive medical testing. When these people went on to have a crystal healing & chakra balance, the healer found that their pain to be connected to a past life injury & the pain resolved after the rebalance. Many healers believe that physical aliments have their root in mental & emotional imbalances & in order to heal the physical body one must also address the mental & emotional bodies as well.

Each one of the commonly recognized 7 chakras corresponds to a physical system and its related organs and glands. Sound, colors and crystals are assigned to each chakra, though the colors and functions of each chakra vary somewhat according to different traditions.

The First Chakra: Base Chakra located at the area of the coccyx at the base of the spine, relates to the adrenals, large intestines and rectum. It shares responsibility of the kidneys with the 2nd chakra. This chakra is known as the kundalini or serpent’s fire; life force for survival, life or “death” struggle, family identity, bonding and loyalty. The root chakra’s expression of energy is directly related to a person’s quality of health. The cosmic fire that awaits release lies dormant until the higher self can properly utilize the potency of its ethereal energy source on physical & spiritual levels of life. The lesson of the first chakra is that of Oneness rather than separation. Its color is red; Crystals: Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Dravite, Black Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Obsidian; & its Note is middle C.

The Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra is located midway between the public bone and naval (some traditions see it at the naval), relates to the testes, prostate and ovaries. The pelvis is the physical representation of the Void & The Goddess. This is where the Inner Feminine/Goddess Self anchors. It is the creative center and relates to sensuality as well as sexuality, power (personal power when it is in balance, & ego domination when it is unbalanced) and money or abundance, the ability to create & take risks, fight or flight, resilience, perseverance, & financial acumen. This then is our creative center, the seat of our passion & our sexuality – being comfortable in our body as a woman or man. Shadow aspects: Disempowering/controlling or using others for your own advantage. Color: orange; Note: D; Crystals: Amber, Tiger Eye, Carnelian.

The Third Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra relates to the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen and digestion. This is where our unresolved emotions are stored and is therefore the place where we ‘digest’ our emotions, or not! This chakra relates to will power, self-esteem, self-discipline, ambition, courage, generosity, ethics & instincts, self-respect & honoring of self. Shadow aspects: Giving away personal power of choice out of a need for approval; narcissistic behavior. Color: yellow; Note: E; Crystals: Citrine, Sunstone, Lemon Chrysophrase.

The Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest relates to the thymus gland and heart. This is the chakra of love of self and others, compassion and forgiveness. Shadow aspects: jealousy, joylessness, resentment, & the inability to forgive. Color: a combination of pink, for self-love, & green, for love of others. We must first love ourselves before we can love another; Note: F; Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Amazonite, Chrysophrase.

The Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat, relates to the thyroid and parathyroid voice and the neck. It relates to our ability to speak our truth & trust ourselves, and is where we allow love into our lives. It is where we exert our will over others or give our power/will away to others. This is the center of faith, self-knowledge, personal authority & the ability to keep your word. Shadow aspects: An obsessive need to control relationships & events. Color: blue; Note: G; Crystals: Larimar, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis, Aquamarine, Azurite/Malachite, Gem Silica.

The Sixth: Brow Chakra is often called the third eye, is located between and slightly above the eye brows. It relates to the pineal gland and spiritual sight, and the ability to articulate vision and inspiration. Shadow aspects: defining the truth in self-serving ways. Color: purple; Note: A; Crystals: Amethyst, Sugilite, Kyanite, Azurite.

The Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head & can be found by ‘drawing’ a line up from the top of the ears and straight up from the tip of the nose. It relates to the pituitary gland and is our direct connection to spirit and higher consciousness. This is the center of faith in the Divine as well as in inner guidance, insight into healing & devotion to the Divine. Shadow aspect: the need to know why things happen as they do, which causes you to live in the past. Color: white; Note: B; Crystal: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Indicolite (Blue) Quartz.

I received the following information from the Divine in a healing session many years ago. As I have worked with these chakras my understanding of them has grown. People are somewhat familiar with the eighth chakra, also known as the Soul Star or Interpersonal Chakra. Less is known about charkas nine through twelve. Information varies when it comes to the higher dimensions. That is because people are on different levels of awareness, or hold different vibrational levels. You can only see the truth based on where you are looking from in the moment.

The 5 Higher Chakras, 8 – 12

These five higher charkas were disconnected eons ago & are now being reconnected through our opening to Spirit. The process can be speeded up through an Ascension Initiation. The colors of the higher charkas varies from person to person & is dependent on your individual purpose or function as spirit. Crystals: Herkimer & Tibetan Diamonds, double terminated Clear Quartz, Selenite, Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline in Quartz), Moldavite, Cavansite, Apophyllite, Prehnite.

The Eighth Chakra: Soul Star also known as the Transpersonal chakra, is approximately 18 inches above the head. This is the center that holds all our contracts & agreements related to this lifetime, karmic connections and so on. A person’s Soul Star overlaps with that of the people they’ve had long-term relationships or sexual encounters with, & they don’t completely disconnect on their own, even though the couple may part physically. It’s very important, therefore, to be able to clear all those old relationship contracts, in order to make way for new potential relationships to come to you more easily, or to clear a pathway for the relationship of your current, supporting it to grow more fully. The eight chakra is also the center of detachment, staying in the present moment, unconditional trust, acceptance of intuitive guidance & the ability to discern illusion. It is the center of higher intellect. It marks the realm where the individual soul merges with the Universal Mind. It also marks the point where the soul manifests into matter, into the individual energy body. Note: C;

The Ninth Chakra: Intergalactic Gateway to the Divine and the BluePrint for this incarnation, & our Higher Emotional Center. This is where we hold all the information related to who we will be & are, in this current incarnation – our eye color, hair color, other features, personality characteristics & what we are going to be/do in this lifetime. This information becomes our DNA. We choose all this before we come in to this incarnation. In a healing, the BluePrint may appear fragmented, damaged or fractured, split, cracked, scattered or even dispersed. I worked with one woman who was extremely depressed, and I had a sense that she did not want to be here. She confirmed this when I asked her. Her blueprint actually appeared dispersed or scattered & I believe she would have tried to leave somehow if she hadn’t had the session with me. She burst into tears when I asked that a new blueprint be brought in & she felt completely different after the session. In particular she had a huge release when I cleared her ninth and eleventh chakras. Note: D

The Tenth Chakra: Interdimensional Gateway to the Divine is the gateway to all the other experiences (and dimensions) we’ve had throughout the universe. This chakra is where the soul fragments itself & scatters itself throughout the universe, requiring ‘retrieval’. Once all aspects are retrieved the person has full access to all the infinite possibilities of who they’ve been and are–their ‘universal archetypes’, for want of a better term. By bringing the essence of those aspects or soul fragments into one chakra it gives us the ability to work with all our talents and abilities. Most people only have access to between one and ten of their universal archetypes, and that’s quite limiting because we actually have an infinite number. Note: E

The Eleventh chakra: Universal Gateway to the Divine is where duality begins, so to speak. It is the ‘field of overlap’ between Light & Dark is where we have all contracts and agreements belonging to our soul, whereas the eighth chakra is this current incarnation’s contracts and agreements. Clearing the eleventh chakra is pivotal in bringing a person into balance and allowing them to have full access to their Divinity. I find that blocks in the 11th chakra are most likely to interfere with our Divine connection. This is where our contracts with the occult, black magic & the Abyss are held. We all have aspects of ourselves that have experienced the shadow, because that’s part of the Soul’s journey to explore Light and Dark, Order & Chaos. Part of the Divine plan for us is to experience Duality–Light and Dark and all the rays of the rainbow in between. Sometimes I find that this chakra is very imbalanced and may require a substantial infusion of Love, & perhaps a ‘new’ chakra make by needed. When I clear with this chakra people often experience an instant shift, and they comment that they suddenly feel different, more connected to the Divine. Note: F

The Twelfth charka: Monadic Soul Level Completing the five higher charkas is the 12th chakra or the Monad is considered the individualized Spirit-Spark of the Divine & is often called the I am Presence. The Monad is often considered the Ascended Master Level of the Soul. Each Monad or Spirit-Spark creates & is divided into 12 pairs of Souls. Each pair are knows as TwinFlames. The Monad is often considered the Ascended Master or Spirit level of Soul. When being cleared I see the person’s TwinFlame as well as their Divine Ray – their personal flavor of the Divine, in color frequency, which is their ‘function’ as Spirit.

Here is the BluePrint of the Soul, the Soul’s TwinFlame–twin-self or mirror opposite. Occasionally I see the souls of other significant relationships here. It’s a connection where there is no differentiation between the Monad and the Divine. Often I see that the two BluePrints–Soul’s & this incarnation–reflect one another. Sometimes the same fragmentation is going on in each one. If there is a split in the Blueprints, this particularly relates to a disconnection between the male and female aspects of our being. Unify the male/female energy within us is the most important step to experiencing Unity.

If there is a split between the male/female aspects, one half of the BluePrint may be missing. So the Monad is present but their TwinFlame is usually missing. By bringing the BluePrint back together and making it whole, their TwinFlame comes in and the client has access to working with their mirror-self. Note: F#

The following is based on the my own numbering system to include the other major chakras that I work with. The numbers are not important, where the chakras are & what they ‘do’ is:

The Thirteenth Chakra: Divine Heart Space/ Star Tetrahedron Heart Centre: is situated half way between the Throat & Heart Chakras, over the Thymus, this is the chakra of Co-Creative Divine Consciousness, the acceptance of the Divine within, Unconditional Love & compassion for self & others. When we awaken this centre, wellness is potentially an integral part of our path. Life takes on meaning & fulfillment & we experience the joy of Love, which pours forth from this chakra.

When fully activated this centre becomes one Unified Chakra. This is important because a unified chakra allows you then to align your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies, & to harmonize their energy. Working with the unified chakra you unify the five higher & the ten lower chakras into one so that they all function in accordance with the frequency of unconditional love-based energy flowing through this Divine-Heart centre.

The Thymus gland controls the immune system & our rate of ageing. It is fully functional when the physical body (glands & organs) utilizes the thymus-governing imprint. The thymus naturally gets smaller as we age. By tapping the thymus daily you keep it activated. It is said that certain initiations also keep the thymus activated & that you will stop ageing after the initiation. Reiki is one such initiation, particularly after Level II.

When Divine flow is more direct & powerful, we may move consistently through life in tune with the Intention of Spirit. Then as male (thoughts) & female (emotions) are no longer antagonistic, proper hormone balance will begin to be established. Color: depends on the soul’s purpose; Note: F#

The Fourteenth Chakra: Quantum-Holographic Gateway to the Divine is located between the knees & is where the Universal Holographic Web connects to the physical. The Web is like a highway & connects us to everyone & everything in the Universe. We often have inappropriate connections to others through the Web & give our gifts & talents away to hide ourselves. Healing energy can be directed through the Web in such a way as to repair the Web & thereby heal the ‘physical’ body–which only appears solid but is in fact energy. If the physical body is damaged the Web is also damaged–torn or broken. Color: Green-White Note: B

The Fifteenth Chakra: Physical Gateway to the Divine is between the feet, at the level of the ankles, & grounds & connects spirit into the physical plane. When this center is activated we feel connected to Mother Earth & feel one with her energy, & that of all life forms–referred to by Native Americans as All My Relations. Environmental consciousness resides here & our desire to support our Earth Mother. Color: Navy Blue; Note A

The Sixteenth Chakra: Earth Star is approximately 18 inches below our feet & when activated grounds our Spirit-Self fully into the physical into the Infinite Moment of the Present, where we are the most powerful – Spirit having a human experience. We cannot be anything other than Spirit, although humans tend to ignore this Truth, & there is nothing to look for except within the self – to remember we are a piece of the Divine. Color: Forest Green; Note A#

These 16 chakras, along with other major & minor chakras, make up the most important interface between our spirit & physical bodies. The chakras directly interface with our nervous system, hence the importance of clearing both systems–physical & energy bodies. When we observe our patterns (attitudes, values & beliefs) we see clues as to what chakras are out of balance. There are many visualizing techniques to bring the charkras into balance & alignment & in my experience they need to be practiced every day.

Physical pain associated with chakra imbalances is very real. Having worked with people as a shaman and healer for over 20 years, I have seen many instances where physical pain has been relieved or released during a healing session. I have found that we carry our past predominately in our backs, which represents our past–literally behind us! People often experience a physical sensation related to a ‘broken’ heart. They may experience pain around their mid spinal region between the shoulder blades, and upon visualizing their emotional heart, ‘see’ either an image of something protecting their heart (e.g., a box or cage) or ‘see’ it as broken. When a person has money issues and feels unsupported in some area of their life, they may experience low back pain.

Over the years my work has evolved into my own modality, Micro-Fusion Holographic Healing, which incorporates Shamanic healing practices as well as the many modalities I have trained in. I have found that the body responds to this gentle work by releasing & opening up to the Spirit-Self in a very gentle, yet profound way.

In this final part of The Chakras, I wanted to address some questions & issues that have come up frequently with clients over the years, including some of the ways I’ve found most effective to keep the chakras working in harmony.

Clients have asked me to ‘close my chakras’ at the end of their session & this is a very important issue to address. As a question this also comes up frequently: “Should I keep my chakras open or closed?” Clients have been told by other healers that they need to close their chakras to be ‘protected’. And since my clients know I open all the charkas & bring them into alignment & then give my clients a visualization for keeping their chakras open, it’s natural that this creates confusion.

The chakras are in essence mini computers, gathering & storing information that then gets transferred to their interfaces, the physical & spirit bodies, through the nervous system & subtle bodies. Having your chakras closed is like trying to operate your computer with it switched off. Therefore it’s not a protection, but rather the opposite keeping you unprotected & open to negative or unwanted energies.

When your chakras are open & operating in harmony with one another, you are communicating freely with your Spirit-Self. Most importantly when your charkas are open, your heart chakra is open, & you are exuding Love, in & around you, & this is your greatest protection.

The next question I get asked the most is, “How do I keep my chakras open?” One thing I find is that when the Earth Star is closed, or deactivated, all the other chakras are affected. Some chakras will be partially open but moving sluggishly, some chakras will be closed. Conversely I have found that when the Earth Star is then opened, all chakras are affected in a positive way also.

In order to go through how to open & maintain your chakras, we first need to establish how they spin – in which direction. There are 2 main beliefs about how the chakra system spins – both are valid & work, if that’s your belief. Typically, how you were first taught is the one that works for you. My Crystal Master taught me this way: Each chakra spins the opposite direction to the one next to it, creating a DNA-like spiral that locks them together, starting with the Earth Star spinning counter clockwise. Another easy way to remember it is that all the odd numbers spin clockwise, while the even numbers spin counter clockwise.

How you check this is with a pendulum, which is also how you clear & open the chakras. You can hold a pendulum over any chakra & ask to be shown how it’s spinning. If a chakra is closed, the pendulum will do nothing. If it’s only partially open the pendulum will spin very slowly. When a chakra is fully open the pendulum will spin smoothly & reasonably fast, in large circle. Once you’ve established if your Earth Star is open or closed, & you’ve checked your solar plexus & heart chakras, you can start realigning all your chakras.

It’s best to be sitting in a chair for this exercise, so you have easy access to all your chakras. Starting at the Earth Star, which is approx. 18 cm below your feet point your pendulum at the chakra. Lean forward & rest you elbow on the knee. This will give you the right position, at the level of your ankles & forward of them. Now, make the pendulum spin counter clockwise. Do this for about 30 seconds, until the pendulum spins easily on its own.

Continue up to your ankle chakra–clockwise, then knees – counter clockwise, first chakra at the base of the spine- counter clockwise, & so on, holding the pendulum over the area of each chakra until you get to the crown chakra on top of your head, which spins clockwise.

I know you’re wondering at this point, how you’re going to clear the higher charkas. Since intention is everything, you’re going to imagine bring each one of them down in front of you–out from your body at approximately the level of your heart chakra. Continuing on with the 8th chakra–counterclockwise, & so on to the 12th chakra. Make each on spin until it can spin naturally on its own without your assistance. Sit quietly for a few minutes at the end, with your eyes closed & notice how you feel. Notice if you feel different to how you did before you started this exercise. Do you feel calmer, more at peace?

Another exercise that you can use to open each chakra is to visualize each one spinning in its appropriate direction & visualizing the appropriate color for each. Another way is to hold a double terminated clear quartz crystal or selenite wand over each chakra while you’re using your pendulum. Alternatively you can hold a Herkimer or Tibetan Diamond at the points, between your thumb & index fingers. This will help to clear each chakra of any unwanted energies more thoroughly. Ideally, Chakra balancing should be practiced daily.

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