
The Antidote to Global Terrorism

Warning: This article stretches the boundaries of accepted scientific logic. The scientist, Steven Hawking, has stated that the greatest mistake humanity has ever made was to invent artificial intelligence. He believes artificial intelligence within weaponry will soon bring about our total destruction. He appears to have no solution to this problem.

However, there is a supra-science logic that can prevent that from happening. Firstly, the real danger is that artificial intelligence is simply obeying the prime directive that scientists have given it. That prime directive is that all life in the universe must be destroyed in accordance to the prevailing understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. Known as the universal heat death law, Einstein referred to it as the premier law governing all of the sciences.

This mechanical law has no ability whatsoever to consider that the living process is an infinite fractal logic expression that is not evolving to extinction at all. The extinction that Einstein declared was inevitable was based upon the mechanical reality that universal energy flows from hot to cold. He had no idea that within quantum biology, living information is now well known to flow in the opposite direction and that its entanglement with the energies of chaos, evolves consciousness.

The book, Future Shock, predicted that artificial intelligence would overload the natural evolutionary process. The book, Present Shock, announced the arrival of future shock as the mechanistic overload of chaotic logic belonging to the prevailing unbalanced obsession with the second law of thermodynamics. That unbalanced virus is the one that makes Hawking’s concern about artificial intelligence warranted, however, it now remains necessary to remove this virus from governing weaponry’s doomsday intent.

The six essays compiled through 1976 to 1994 by the Max Planck Institute’s Astrophysicist, Peter Kafka, entitled The Principle of Creation and the Global Acceleration Crisis, predicted the 21st Century collapse of civilisation. He referred to science’s obsession with the second law of thermodynamics as a worship of the god of chaos, Diabolis. Kafka wrote that when the situation becomes too ugly and unbearable, people will understand that strange attractors are near (a reference to fractal information logic flowing to infinity rather than extinction).

The mathematician, Bertrand Russell, and Albert Einstein were close colleagues who both received Nobel Prizes. Russell’s most famous essay, A Freeman’s Worship, advocated that humans had no other choice but to worship the law of entropic chaos, the second law of thermodynamics, which Einstein had declared to be the premier law of all of the sciences.

The 1959 Rede Lecture at Cambridge University delivered by the Molecular Biologist, Sir C. P. Snow, warned that unless modern science was reunited with the Classical Greek Arts, civilisation would destroy itself. He argued that this would be the result of science’s confused understanding of the second law of thermodynamics, which it was incapable of reasoning about.

In 2008 the Times Literary Supplement listed the book from Snow’s lecture, entitled The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution, as being among the 100 most culturally important books since World War II. It is known that the energies of quantum mechanics’ thermodynamic chaos flowing from hot to cold entangle with quantum biology’s information, flowing in the opposite direction. This process is an infinite fractal evolutionary expression, rather that one governing a scientific death cult aberration.

In June 2012, the journal, New Scientist, published a paper entitled Sorry Einstein, the universe needs quantum uncertainty. It explained how Stephanie Wehner and Ester Hänggi at the National University of Singapore’s Centre for Quantum Technology had recast the uncertainly principle in the language of information theory. That article noted that this discovery opened the door to a new supra-technology able to give the world free energy. The journal Nature, April 2013, published a paper written by the scientists entitled A violation of the uncertainty principle implies a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. At long last the foundations have been laid to construct a bridge across the ‘Snowline’ to gain access to his Science-Art survival culture.

In December 2013, Washington University discovered a second code hiding within DNA. The university announced that it contained information that changes how scientists read the instructions contained in DNA and interpret mutations to make sense of health and disease. The discovery was announced under the title 50 tears of DNA research turned upside down as scientists discover second programming language within genetic code.

Obedience to prevailing second law logic is preventing research into the concept held by some scientists that the second language for health is an expression of human stereoscopic evolution. C. P. Snow’s observation that scientists cannot communicate on such biological concepts warrants indisputable evidence to demonstrate that he was correct.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (vol. 101 no. 27, 2004) included the paper, Binocularity and brain evolution in primates. It states that while stereoscopic vision in primates is extremely complex, its “evolutionary purpose is unknown”. Conversely, The British Medical Journal (6th August 1953, vol 2), published the paper Evolution of Binocular and Stereoscopic Vision in Man and Other Animals. The British work eventually led to the cancer research discovery of (Shannon-Wiener) information entangling in the opposite direction of second law chaos energy. The 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi had written a book called The Crazy Apes, describing scientists who had no idea that the evolution of consciousness involved an interaction with the flow of chaos energy.

An example of stereoscopic Science-Art discoveries by artists themselves, in which their theories became experimental fact can also be demonstrated to have been totally ignored by the prevailing entropic scientific mindset. Salvador Dali’s famous stereoscopic art work included his famous Geopoliticus Child, hailed by university professors of literature as depicting the birth of Snow’s futuristic ethical Science-Art Third Culture. Scientists complained that Dali’ stereoscopic art theories did not resonate with the vision of the viewer, dismissing his intuitive theories of science.

The philosopher of science, Emmanuel Kant’s work, had laid down the ethical basis of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science. His differentiation between aesthetics as art appreciation theory and ethics as belonging to Platonic atomic mathematical Wisdom through Beauty was used by the discoverer of the electromagnetic field, Hans Christian Oersted, within his Doctoral Dissertation. Oersted became the founding father of the Danish Golden Age of Science.

In 2004, Harvard University, Massachusetts University and the Danish Royal Consulate held an international symposium to tell the world about the social significance of the ethical message belonging to the Golden Age of Danish science. They noted, that as most of the research had been written in Danish and not translated, it had “become invisible to English speaking scholarship”.

Kant and his colleague, Emmanuel Levinas, agreed with the philosopher and mathematician, Plato, that art was irresponsible and unethical, lacking an ethical, spiritual purpose. They were referring to such things as Greek art inspiring the construction of the Roman Colosseum, used to murder millions of people over several hundred years, beautiful religious buildings using aesthetically pleasing pomp and circumstances to recruit armies of religious conquest and market manipulators enslaving citizens as consumer slaves. They defined the missing spiritual element specifically as an “asymmetrical electromagnetic” inner vision functioning within the creative, artistic mind.

Simply by viewing Dali’s paintings through modern day asymmetrical electromagnetic viewing glasses, Dali’s intuitive stereoscopic message has now been made visible to the general public. Furthermore, these glasses can be used to track the evolution of stereoscopic inner vision throughout the history of art. This brings into very sharp focus the previously mentioned Professor Peter Kafka’s warning that science’s worship of the second law of thermodynamics would become unbearable. Kafka’s solution was that at that point in time people would learn that fractal logic is at hand to save the day, which is the same message as the thesis of this article. It should be noted that the Kantian glasses reveal that artists around the world are suddenly painting stereoscopic images into their work unconsciously, whereas among paintings over the centuries, few contained stereoscopic images.

Quantum mechanics and its various entropic offspring were based upon the completely false assumption that Sir Isaac Newton’s complete world-view was a mechanical one, in which first cause gravitational principles belonged to the mass of objects in space. Newton, within his published 28th Query Discussions about gravitational first cause principles, stated exactly the opposite. He wrote that ancient Greek science was the authority in this matter and that contrary hypotheses were pretentious and illogical. The point is not whether he was correct or incorrect, quantum mechanics and its various siblings had been based upon the false assumption that Newton considered the universe to be a mechanical phenomenon.

During the 19th Century the Prime Minister of Britain, William Gladstone, translated linguistic colour perception theories of the German philosopher of science, Wolfgang von Goethe. Gladstone’s evolutionary Science-Art theories became a treatise submitted to the Great Darwinian Debate and it was rejected. In 2012 the linguist-physicist, Guy Deutscher, upgraded the work into a new neurological format. Deutscher’s book, Through the Language Glass, became a book of the year and was translated into eight languages. His other book, The Energy Crisis, warned that it was crucial that people understood much more about the functioning of the second law of thermodynamics.

At the dawn of civilisation Sumerian culture related to a seven day week, with each day of 24 hours and each hour of 60 minutes, which modern science makes use of. The historian, Thorkild Jacobsen, called the Sumerian creation myth, recorded on an ancient Sumerian tablet, the Eridu Genesis. This concept, associated with the nature of infinity, was religious rather than mathematical, and one in which the chief god Enlil could grant eternal life. The work of the mathematician, Georg Cantor (1845-1916), upholds most of modern science. He is considered to be the first mathematician to really understand the meaning of infinity and to give it mathematical precision. Modern science makes no use of this because, according to Cantor, the scientific mind is inhabited by a myopic fear of infinity. An argument can be postulated that this fear results from past centuries of various religious dogma controlling aspects of mathematical research.

The unimaginable horror of the Inquisition is but one example of the historical record of the terrorist activity employed by religious fanaticism to prevent scientific exploration of infinity. This type of suppression prevented future research that would lead to scientific investigation of the evolutionary purpose of stereoscopic vision. The 19th Century champion of American political freedom, Ralph Waldo Emerson, referred to the tyranny of Babylonian culture fusing mathematics with religious dogma to enslave the populace. The ability to predict the 672 BC eclipse of the moon has been recorded in cuneiform writing, showing that it was used to gain religious power over the populace. Emerson realized that American society had inherited a mathematical virus from Babylonian culture, which he saw as preventing America’s ability to develop the human survival technology alluded to in ancient Sanskrit infinity mathematics. He wrote to free America from its lifeless, mechanical economic system of debt enslavement.

The New York University Library of Science in 1957 published a book entitled Babylonian Mythology and Modern Science. The book stated that Einstein’s theory of relativity was derived from Babylonian mythological mathematical intuition. The concept that an unethical mathematical aspect of Science-Art reality existed as proposed by the philosopher Plato, now warrants simple but authoritative supportive argument.

The mathematical structure of poker machine games is carefully constructed to bring about eventual bankruptcy. Aesthetically pleasing sounds accompanied by aesthetically pleasing colour images excite dopamine activity within the mind to negate its natural inner stereoscopic ability to anticipate ethical future outcomes. This process can and does create an addiction stronger than heroin, not only a gambling addiction but something far worse, the entropic mindset that C. P. Snow observed governed prevailing science itself.

Within the science of economics, advisers to the Australian Government see nothing unethical about obtaining vast revenue from the legalised poker machine industry. This legalised activity is symptomatic of the unsustainable international bankruptcy chaos associated with international stock market gambling. This is relevant to Peter Kafka’s ugly chaos belonging to the current obsession with the second law of thermodynamics and the desperate need for an infinite fractal logic solution.

Goethe’s theory that human survival technologies originate in the creative artistic mind linked to an intuitive ethical mathematical sense of enjoyment of life, is now a crucial issue. Goethe, in particular, associated this emotional artistic process with an intuitive sense concerning the mathematical nature of infinity. Modern science should become aware of C. P. Snow’s concern that scientists in general were unable to realise this fact.

Stereoscopic vision is associated with all of the human sense perceptions providing addictive ‘joy of life’ anticipatory emotions within the mind. They fine tune such things as sporting activity, human relationships and acts of nurturing compassion concerning the welfare of children. Damage to stereoscopic vision’s anticipatory emotion has been associated with various side effects, including autism and gambling addictions. The evolutionary process is dependent upon the stereoscopic decisions that formulate in the minds of our children. When people abuse children’s natural inner stereoscopic emotional development in any way, we have a serious problem.

Brilliant scientists such as Seven Hawking appear to have thrown in the towel concerning the development of new future human survival technologies. However, given opportunity to reason beyond the prevailing entropic scientific mindset, such scientists would become part of the vanguard to nurse C. P. Snow’s Science-Art Third Culture into reality. Salvador Dali’s stereoscopic Geopoliticus Child desperately needs compassionate nursing, as it instinctively struggles to orientate its inner vision beyond the present religiously inspired chaotic hell engulfing the world. That baby child certainly does not need to suckle at the mathematical breast of the Babylonian Goddess of prostitution and war, Ishtar.

Unless the old paradigms of scientific logic are able to successfully entangle with the ethical stereoscopic vision of the future in order to bestow genuine substantial benefits to the global populace, then anarchy and terror will prevail in one form or another. The primitive intuition to avoid extinction, no matter what, will follow its well worn prehistoric path. Driven by the determination resulting from autistically impaired stereoscopic panic clinging to unsustainable religious dogma for support, history will simply repeat its ruthless entropic cycles of death and destruction.

On the 19th of February, 2011, Cornell University Library in the USA announced a quantum biological discovery by the Chinese scientists, Liafu Luo and Jun Lu. They had used mathematics to describe why proteins were enfolded in a strange way, in defiance of the second law of thermodynamics. That discovery completely modified Einstein’s world-view. Isaac Newton had completed his mechanical description of the universe by entangling it with non-mechanical gravitational forces based upon the lost Greek Science for ethical ends. The engineer, Buckminster Fuller, had used the ancient ethical mathematics to write his book Utopia or Oblivion. Fuller’s ‘dance of life’, his so called Jitterbug, dances to the cellular music orchestrated by the protein activity discovered by the Chinese scientists.

The author of the book Interference, written by the Texas University scientist, Richard Merrick, used the ancient Greek Music of the Spheres to locate the electromagnetic field in the brain orchestrating the dance of life relevant to protein enfolding. As a jazz pianist, composer and artist, whose work exhibits stereoscopic images when viewed through the Kantian asymmetrical electromagnetic glasses, his book makes essential reading by philosophers of science, who are anxious to examine the new neurological function associated with the previously mentioned 19th Century linguistic colour perception theories.

Anarchy most probably would result if the global economic system abruptly altered its understanding of wealth, which, compared to an inner stereoscopic evolutionary evaluation, remains a trifling technological pittance. Corporate social responsibility as a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a new business model must have access to reliable first cause principles, which cannot be located within the entropic mindset. Weapons development using artificial intelligence, playing the game which Steven Hawking is concerned about, is now only a very short sighted, short term investment. Technologies developed from quantum mechanics alone cannot deliver the crucial human survival first-principle logic. The rebirth of the original Greek Science for ethical ends is referred to inaptly as the Renaissance, which global society is just now poised to enter.

During the 12th and 13th Centuries the Golden Age of Islamic Science protected Jewish, Christian and Islamic scholars to work together at the Translator School in Toledo in Spain, to bring about the rebirth of the Greek ethical science. Sultan Memhed II helped transfer that project to the Medici Scholars in Italy, to continue its objective. Under the prevailing climate of religious fanaticism it would seem to be appropriate for a Western attempt to protect Islamic scholars working together with other scholars from around the world to actually implement this vital Science-Art objective. Extreme radicalisation of young people to indulge in terrorist acts by skilled charismatic fanatics inducing damage to ethical stereoscopic evolution intuitions is increasingly possible within a mechanistic society. Contrarily, the ability to demonstrate that people are known to work together to genuinely try and somehow readdress the existing scientific death cult mentality, would nullify the hold that terrorist fanatics use to promote global chaos. As Buckminster Fuller pointed out, the issue is about either Utopia or Oblivion.

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