Practical Article Marketing Tips – "Yeah, All This Sounds Good, But What If I Can’t Write?"
Article marketing helps you create content, drive traffic, build your list, create marketing messages and info products. Despite all these powerful advantages I still hear the following self-imposed limitation all the time: “Yeah, that all sounds great, but what if I can’t write?”
I once believed I could not write
Before I became an internet marketer I was a marriage and family therapist/relationship coach. I never finished my Pd.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy because I did not finish my dissertation because I once believed I could not write.
This belief was encouraged by a few professors. While I probably still could not write academically if you held a gun to my head, I would like to compare income statements with some of those professors now.
Your own “I can’t write” story
Many folks have their own story about why they cannot write. Often it has to do with an English teacher or journalism professor. You remember, the big red pen that used to mark up your papers in school.
Well, I’m here to tell you two things about your former English or journalism teachers:
1) He or she is not here, and
2) If you are as old as I am, he or she may already be dead, so get them out of your head. They are not paying rent on the space they are taking up in your head.
What you can do
If you can write a seven item grocery list, you can craft a seven tips article that will bring you more prospects, publicity and profits. And you can do it over and over again like my students and I do everyday.
Just make a list of five to seven tips you would give an ideal client in your niche. Then add 50 or so words for each tip. That gives you a good 350 or more word article. Submit it to the article directories. Repackage the articles that get the best response into your information products.
That’s it in a nutshell. I know it sounds so simple. It really can be when you take action on it.