Nursing Recruitment Agencies and Employment With Social Care and Nursing Jobs
Nursing recruitment agencies generally provide carers and health/social care workers to those who need and require care and assistance in their daily activities. Professionally trained nurses normally register at these agencies on a contract basis for getting hired at hospitals; health institutes, and care homes. Contracts are based on filling up busy periods or covering maternity leave and staff absences. Sometimes nurses are hired out to private patients who prefer to receive care and assistance within their own homes.
Nursing recruitment agencies in the UK are regulated by the Commission for Social Care Inspection. Nursing jobs and Social Care jobs are very demanding and require a certain level of responsibility and patience. There are many incidences where claims are generally made for negligence and carelessness hence malpractice insurances must be carried out by the agencies.
RCN or the Royal College of Nursing is an institute devoted to provide support to the nursing profession and improve the overall healthcare of the public. RCN is involved in a number of activities that give grants to various nursing practices with an aim to improve the standard and quality of care and patient experience. The Royal College of Nursing is defined as the organisation that ‘represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies’.
The RCN runs courses for those who are interested to take up nursing as a career and also provides a platform for those who wish to further pursue their studies at a higher level. The organisation further provides guidance and support about different recruitment policies and requirements. They aim to influence various local and lobby governments to introduce and implement policies that are in the interest of the patient and the importance of the role of nursing jobs, care assistants and students in regards to the future of the health industry.
Services offered by the RCN include:
Executive Nurse Network – The network involves working and getting engaged with the most senior and higher up members of the nursing industry.
Library Services – The RCN library archives contains some of the famous and most influential nursing work, theses and dissertation. These are all accessible through the e-library or the four libraries located in the capital cities of London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast.
Nursing Practice Issues – Guidance and support regarding all issues on nursing through their information services.
Forum Communities – A place for members to communicate and enhance their knowledge and skills. An expert resource centre containing news stories, features, events and ways to participate and influence current and future policies.
Nursing Students – Advice and support for young upcoming students.
Publications and research – Details and information regarding the RCN team.