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Is My Woman Body Pious – Sister and Daughter – Part 4

After, I shared my views with the readers about the reincarnation of creators’ creator woman, now I would analyse the next relationship of woman with man in society as sister and daughter. The old Hindu marriage proposals were fixed after analyzing six streams of identical entities through various recordable documents. Are these documents have something to do with our blood group analytical genetic disease or their researched were further deep in to understand the complex DNA structure and genetics disorder diseases surfacing in human body.

Though, the Western scientist’s practical approach, in analyzing Hindus theoretical realities and searches of human body studies has, by and large, confirmed one fact that genes and blood groups are playing an important role in deciding various disease’s life cycles. Are today’s human relationships governed by these hypotheses? I believe true. If you analyse the animal pattern of reproduction, there are rarely such senses because one female give birth to too many offspring after mating with large number of dominant males. However, it is not true with human beings. Though, a woman might copulate and have sex with many men; but she would only conceive from one male only. Once an ovum gets gesticulated, her embryo growth rejects every attempt of male semen to further fertile any egg. It is due to biological shape of body and natural restriction on woman womb by the creator. Some abnormalities have been reported but it is not a common phenomenon in humans.

Firstly; based on above thesis, I would analyse a woman’s relationship as Sister and daughter. While reading through Darwin’s theory of evaluation, I was not surprised as to what he had predicted of color behavior of flowers but the most important research he originated was based on Indian theory of Caste and sub castes in segregating different species of human. Certainly, I would record that world over a particular blood group people do exhibit many common attributes amongst themselves irrespective of their geographical areas of living in Western world, United State of America or Asian sub continent. I would only reveal my study of O positive blood group people who have by and large behave commonly.

My study on over 10,000 people had revealed that over 98.2% of them had insect attracting tendency. They said that even when they were ten other people sitting with them, the Mosquitoes, flies and other insects would attack them first; leaving all ten group members irrespective of the place they were sitting. They also showed common level of intelligence, passion, cupid behavior and social approach in living with in society. One of the most common features, I have observed that such people are die hard workers and always ready to sacrifice their lives for others. It is not a freak probability but blood group traits exhibited by people. Similarly people with excellent fighting skills and planning were having mixed blood groups of A positive and B negative. The B negative people reflected more brutal instinct of actions during conversation and deeds.

Secondly, were these drawbacks studied by Hindu and Asian ancestors? I say yes, what my readers feel I leave it on them? Most of the Hindu’s marriage literatures have strongly forbidden marriages or any sexual relationships to live as husband and wife amongst the children of same couple of three generation down the line. North Indian Hindus have by and large further restricted and prohibited any marriage and sexual relationship between a male and female of four generations gap from father side and two to three from mother sides. They would not allow any marriage which violates such social restrictions. When some foolhardy people were born and they tried to discard these theses, in name of love and freedom as now days happen, our ancestors imposed severe social boycott to instill fear.

Today’s senseless electronic media and various magazines with deeply analyzing the effect of such blood degeneration theory, become such idiot and foolish couples in the name of Love. I strongly believe that such people do not really know the meaning of Love. The love in Western typical Sense can only be termed as Lust; as most of the celebrities, now days changing their life partners like old cloths and using their prime asset Body to fulfill their lust and sexual urges. Women readers would realize that sexual needs which I elaborated in Goddess or– are abused by such women celebrities to fulfill their sexual urges. When such woman, who can not live within God’s ambit, they transgress into other woman’s bedroom thus ruining both females’ lives.

Thirdly, has the world electronic media played the most vital role in de-generating a woman’s status from Goddess to prostitute? I believe yes. The senseless publicity of naked bikini women’s on sea beaches, fashion ramps and designed or default sliding of Breast bras or torn skirt from assholes during shows have reduced not miss x status on ramp but the entire woman body as such. My woman is a woman of God who gives birth to God and God own beings through ages. If I revered my mother and wife why should not I revere my sister and daughter? After all my mother and wife are also someone’s sister and daughter.

Not only based on the above blood group theory, our Asian Hindus and Middle East Judaism ancestors had introduced various restrictions based on castes and sub castes. Our ancestors knew that by and large man has been a slave to sexual lust. When man gets under the spell of sexual urge, he goes mad and can go to any extent to commit adultery and sexual crimes including his own children, therefore, ancestors introduced stringent caste system to stop forced sexual relationships between children of same couples or same house hold. Though such incidences of forced sexual relationships between mother and son, brother and sister; and father and daughter are still being reported world over; but these are, by and large, strongly and violently condemned by all sections of societies.

Infact; Hindu’s ancestors have gone a step ahead by introducing the festival of Raksha (Defense) Bandan (Relationship) between male and female siblings in a family to further ensure that woman’s honor is protected even from an errant dominant males in the house. Ultimately, they knew that any offspring from close blood group family would have;

· One; the most important effect visualized was that the second and third generations of such couples had total genetic disorders like rabbit disease of genetic malfunctioning. I have seen one such case in my village as well where two families ignorantly got married and their second children generation is suffering from many body deformities. Though scientific analysis may differ but it is most likely true that Hindu caste systems were based on blood group genetic disorders in deciding marriage of a couple.

· Two; loss of respect in society;

· Three; would be debarred from all social functions in the area;

· Four; will set up bad examples for others to emulate if not dealt strongly;

· Five; So far no such cure is possible for such diseases which are caused due to genetic errors.

Finally, I would elaborate caste system of Hindus marriage fixing. A good marriage pundit

would analysis, six caste, sub-caste, Gotra (sub-sub caste), Sub – Gotra-sub-sub-sub Caste, Varn (out of four viz, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra) social Castes) and Mool (Basic or original one of the spiritual charka near Anus). Though most of the marriage pundits are limiting to Gotra and Sub Gotra but Mool is one of the bases of male’s genetic orders. Some people believe if Mool is errant and earth component is more in males birth astrological predictions, the couple and children would born with incurable disease which not medicine of world can cure.

This, one of the effects of recognition to my woman as sister and daughter, is based on all Hindu’s chronicles. As the daughter is directly born through same couple therefore, her genetic line needs further refining with males hierarchy of ancestors. I would further make an endeavor to bring out views on our sister and daughter relationship with respect to her virginity and sanctity as woman body. How pious is this relationship is not to be debated but as to how pious is her body which bears dignity of relationship needs accreditations?

I would also like to discuss about a materialistic woman who’s every step forward

towards wealth fame; makes her fall morally backwards towards self rejection.

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