
Interested In Distance Learning? Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distance Education

As the cost of education increases every year, many youths are wondering whether they should find work first and study later, while others have totally abandoned the thought of studying to attain degrees and just go to work directly.

With that said, many of us still hope that one day we would be able to finish college or university and earn our diploma. This is why distance learning or online education is fast becoming popular. Not only is it cheaper, it also provides the student flexibility of time and access to a worldwide classroom that is not possible if one is attending a traditional learning institution.

Like any education programs, there are of course some advantages and disadvantages that one should become familiar with before jumping on the bandwagon.


Enrolling in a distance learning program allows students to work their way in gaining their diploma without having to quit their day job. They can study wherever and when they want as course materials are directly available for download or are e-mailed to them by their professors.

Another advantage to distance learning is that it opens up the possibility of obtaining degrees from an institution from another country without physically attending the class. This is particularly convenient for students in a different country as they no longer need to spend money for living and travelling expenses, but can use the money instead to pay for the tuition fees. For people with restricted mobility or who are handicapped, this is their opportunity to learn without having to face social stigmas that may result from their disability.


Although distance learning is gaining in popularity, it doesn’t mean that it is for everybody. Enrolling in the program would mean working by yourself with limited social interaction with other students or coaches. Some students might not be as well motivated to work on their own as when they are when they are regularly attending the classes.

For people who are not comfortable adapting to new technologies, online learning might not be their cup of tea. Studying via the program would sometimes require students to download software and use other gadgets that they might find challenging. One of the greatest disadvantages with distance programs is the fact that not all degrees are offered online. As such, one is limited to the ones being offered by the particular school, which might not be what one wants to enrol in.

Like any educational programs, online distance education has its pros and cons. For those who want to take up the program, do ensure that the institution you are enrolling in is accredited; check out some of the top and accredited learning schools before you enrol online.

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