How To Use Article Marketing To Make Money Online
Article marketing has been the holy grail of internet marketing because it is by far the easiest way to make money online without investing too much money. I helped people reach goals of $10.000 in 5 weeks after writing their first article. In this article I will share some guidelines that you must follow in order to succeed at article marketing and finally start to make money online.
A lot of people make article marketing much harder than it really is. Article marketing is not difficult, it just requires some focused and intense work from your part. Forget about all the automatic software that spins articles. These get rich quick schemes only damage your reputation and will make you lose money in the long run.
Niche Selection
The key to finding a profitable is to search for a niche that is embarrassing for people. Try to find a niche that people only look for on the internet. A popular niche can be Penis Enlargement. Let me explain this further.
A niche like Penis Enlargement is quite profitable because people who look for this kind of information will not go to local store for a cure. Instead they look on the internet and try to find some magic pill that will help them, without the knowing of other people.
You can even go deeper and find micro niches. Micro niches are great because they are untapped potential to make money. To find micro niches you have to be creative. This will come automatically after a while. A good example of a micro niche is: Polaroid 3303 Camera. People who do this exact search are looking to buy the product.
Invest some time and research a couple of big online forums to see what people want and make sure you can supply the need.
Keyword Research
There is a lot of confusion about proper keyword research. I suggest that if you start article marketing you do not need put much attention to this. The main goal is to start make some money online after that you can use advanced tips and tricks. Nevertheless I will give you some basic information about keyword research.
To do proper keyword research you need to know how fierce the competition is. A keyword like Make Money Online is just to fierce to compete in. Because people are paying thousands of dollars to make sure they stay in the top 10 of Google. Try to focus on long tail keywords. Long tail keywords have generally less competition. People who search for long-term keywords are better buyers studies have shown.
If you see the type of sites that rank in Google are like article directories, web 2.0 properties. Then go ahead and start writing articles for the desired keyword. After writing your article build about 10 quality back links and see if you rank in the top 10. If not then continue to the next keyword.
Article Titles
Remember that competition online is fierce and you need to make sure that people will find you articles. Article titles are the most important part of article marketing. A reader will decide on your title if he or she will click the link to read your whole article. Readers love catchy and outrageous claims as titles. Try to make you titles as outrageous as possible but within the guidelines of the article directory you are posting it to. A good way to get inspiration for good titles is to look at sales pages of products in the niche you are promoting.
Article Content
Make sure you deliver quality information to your readers and not garbage. Always do research before writing an article. 1 quality articles is better than 20 garbage articles. People generally read an article because they have a problem. Solve the problem for your readers and tell them how you did it. Give away valuable golden nuggets.
Focus on the pain the reader has with his problem. Talk about the problem and make sure he or she feels this. But like I said earlier, always offer a cure on how to solve the problem.
Use these guidelines daily and I guarantee that you will succeed in your online venture.