Essay Writing – Points For Consideration
First choose the topic that you have knowledge about. The information that you have on the subject may not be enough, therefore, before getting down to writing, collect as much information you can through libraries and by online surfing.
Then decide whether you want to discuss on the topic or you want to make it informative or you want to analyze the subject and give your views on it. This is essential as this would only create the impression that you want to. Convincing a reader to believe what you have written is necessary. Otherwise it is useless investing your time in writing.
Plan the outline properly. First focus the attention on how you are going to start the topic. The starting must be such that the reader is forced to read what you have written ahead. Then set in your mind all the points that you will discuss in the essay and those must be done one by one. Every single issue must be discussed in a different and short paragraph. At the end when you are about the end the article write in short what all you have said in the essay from beginning to the end. It means that the last paragraph must be like the summary of the essay.
Other important points that you must consider when you are writing an essay is that if you want to make it attractive then begin with asking questions to the reader. This will put the reader’s mind into action to think about what is he is reading on. This is an easy way to attract the readers.
Always discuss the most important point in the starting and then step by step move to the point that is of least importance. This means that you have to organize all the points before writing them. Each and every paragraph where you discuss any point must force the reader to stay linked to the essay. The impression of the sentences written by you must be such that the reader must be convinced in a manner that he is forced to take an action as per the opinions suggested by you.
And last but not the least the essay must be written in a fluent pattern in simple English language that can be understood by all the readers. The essay must be thoroughly checked for grammatical and spelling errors before the writer is submitting them. To improve on writing essays one must keep practicing by writing regularly and reading the essays written by other writers. This would help generate new ideas and also will make you think on the points which the other writer has made flaws in, so that, you do not make them.