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15 Most Useful Tips to Avoid a Nervous Breakdown During Exams

The students who are nervous and stressed out tend to forget what they have studied, especially in the exam hall. They fail to remember what they have studied simply because of the stress. So, the question here is how students can avoid the nervous breakdown during exams, when there is great pressure of studies. So, here is a list of tips on how to avoid nervous breakdown during exams.

1. Attend Classes Regularly

If you really desire to avoid stress during exams and succeed in your examination, then ensure to attend each class with sincerity, without skipping it. Attending lectures with sincerity and dedication will help you alleviate the stress level during exams and understand the subject better. This will make your studies enjoyable during exams, but not a burden.

2. Note the Lectures

Attending the lecturers regularly is not enough; instead you also need note down the important things said by the instructor during the lecture. Note down every incident that your instructor tells you, make diagrams carefully so that when you forget anything you can simply open the book and memorize it easily.

3. Be Prepared

You need to prepare yourself for the exam and ensure that you are well aware what you have learned. Make sure you have all the essays, books and notes handy with you. If you are not aware how the marks are allocated and what format the exam takers, then inquiry with your teachers or else simply visit the exam board’s website for better understanding.

4. Make a Plan

Planning how much time you require for revision and how you can utilize it in the best way possible by making a timetable can greatly reduce the stress level during exams and help you avoid a nervous breakdown. The best trick suggested by management experts is taking the overwhelming task as a challenge and simply breaking it down into handy chunks for easy management. Possibly, you may need to spend more time in certain subjects than others. So, it is suggested to vary your timetable and routine so that you don’t get bored reading a particular subject. You may update the plan regularly or when necessary.

5. Know When and Where You Work Best

It is best said that one must only work when they are highly alert. Different students have different body clocks. Some prefer to study at night, while some dawn lark and prefer studying during day time. The revision styles also different as some students like to study in a tidy library desk, while some prefer to read under the duvet along with their gadgets. So, wherever the students feel calm, relaxed and in control, it is the best place to deal with the exam stress.

6. Group Study

Several students are quite nervous, either due to fast approaching exams or because of the longer courses, and as a result they can’t memorize the lessons appropriately. There might be a variety of topics that you couldn’t understand in your classes. So, for such situations you may seek help from your fellow students who have sound knowledge about the particular topics. The group is studying not only help students to clarify things easily, but also make studies quite enjoyable and easier to memorize.

7. Stay Refreshed by Taking Breaks

According to psychologists, a person can only concentrate on things properly for 45 minutes at a stretch. Some of the neuroscientists have revealed that the longer a person tries to focus on things, the less their brains are able to deal with the things effectively. So, it is important to stay refreshed by taking breaks in between of your studies. Rather than cramming more on revision and taking stress to deal with exams, it is suggested to take breaks and do something different to avoid nervous breakdown during exams.

8. Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is very crucial and by keeping the blood sugar level stable students can avoid energy dips during daytime and can enjoy sound sleep during night, which is very crucial to deal with exam stress. If you are still nervous during exams, then definitely you will avoid having foods, but don’t forget to drink lots of water. You may refer internet to find out a proper diet plan to alleviate the stress level during exams.

9. Try to Avoid Stimulants

Students sometime start consuming drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine as they believe that it is their stimulant that helps them to deal with the exam stress without knowing its adverse effects. All these things actually leave them craving more and excessive use may even slow or bring them down or over stimulate them.

10. Get Exercise

Probably, this is the best technique for students to deal with their exam stress. Bike riding, swimming, and a walk with your dog significantly reduce physical tension, resulting in body aches and pain which releases the natural feel-good brain chemicals.

11. Sleep Well

It is undeniable fact that the students often turn and toss for the entire night before their exams and as a result their body copes with lack of sleep and they find difficulty writing their exam papers next day. If you find difficulty sleeping at night before your exams due to stress, then try to do something repetitively. Sleeping is quite necessary before exams because it helps you to awake with a refreshing mind next day so that you can prepare yourself for the exam.

12. Relaxation is Necessary

Students who are anxious about their exams should always try to keep themselves relax and find a quiet and calm place where they can breathe deeply in & out, focusing their mind in some pleasant things or memories. They may try to do something that helps them to unwind.

13. Discussing About Exams With Someone

Almost every student finds their exams a stressful task, so you are not alone indeed. Discussing your worries with a family member, friend, student counselor or school tutor would help you to take the worries out from the system.

14. Revise

It is well said that practice always makes a man perfect! Once you, complete with your studies, it is the time to revise the lessons till the time you master them. You may even ask your family members or friends to take a test to check the accuracy level.

15. Keep it in Perspective

If you think that you have messed up your exam, and then don’t panic, nothing can be done until you get your results. Simply getting worried won’t help you; it may even decrease the chance of doing well your remaining exams. So, it is better to keep it in perspective.

These were the 15 most useful tips to avoid a nervous breakdown during exams. Students who think studies as a burden and often get worried and stressed during exams may try out these tips to alleviate the stress level and do well in their exams.

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