I don’t know about the vowels in other than the main languages. I don’t know anything about the Chinese and Russian languages regarding their vowels. As you all read the English language, you are well aware that English as well as Western European Languages all have got 5 main vowels.
Why are they important? They give life to the spoken language.
Without vowels, it is difficult to compose words in these languages.
The vowels, if you pronounce them on their own, produce sounds.
You can use these sounds for your health.
There have been and still are many scientific explanations and introductions to this fact. My aim is not to write a thesis about vowels. My aim is to explain to you how you can use them to reduce or even better have disappear your anxiety.
When you are under the shower, you might sing or chant these vowels.Do them singularly. You start with the first vowel of the alphabet that is a. You can start with a high pitch and then sing the a on that pitch or create your own melody. After a while you will go to the second vowels which is e and you do the same. On you go and do the same chant with the following vowels which are i, o and u. Sing them according to what you like or what comes easily out of your throat. This exercise is fun, it’s easy and it helps you to breathe deeply and thoroughly. You will feel that it makes you happy, that you cannot chant and stay with your anxiety. They just don’t go together. You can do the same exercise while driving to work or in any other place where you can do it without being judged. You don’t do it to become a singer or a star you just do it for yourself, for your well-being and joy.
You will soon get aware of the power of these vowels.
when you are just starting out, maybe nothing seems to come out of your throat. Don’t worry. This only means that you are not used to doing it. Try again and again and again. You will feel that your chest is opening up, that the breathing becomes easy that you are feeling great. You will be surprised to notice that the feeling of anxiety is no longer there. Isn’t that an easy way to avoid anxiety to grow
One more word every vowel is not only a sound be it also has its vibrations. When you chant these vowels you are creating positive vibrations in your body that help you to create more positivity in life.
I admit that I am doing this exercise every morning while showering.
I do like it a lot and then I might even chant a full word that is gratitude. That enhances the value of the vowel-chanting even more. Try it. You can chant it in whatever language you speak.
Gratitude is a universal word and has a universal meaning.