Writing Articles That Reach Your Prospects – Using Keyword Tools to Write Article Titles With Punch!
When you start to write an article, you must know exactly who you are writing for (this refers to your target audience) and what the goal is that you hope to achieve (what you are trying to get them to do, whether it is to buy something or to take another action). Unless you know why you are writing, you are not ready to begin.
The most important aspect of your article is the keywords that it targets. Keywords are the words people use when they are searching for information on your topic. For example, if you are searching for a new dentist, you may type in the word ‘dentist’ and then the name of your city or town. If that dentist was for your child, you might type in ‘children’s dentist’, ‘dentist for kids’, or ‘pediatric dentist’, along with the name of your city.
The way to find out which keywords people are using to search for your topic is to visit Google’s free keyword tool. It is called the Keyword Tool External and can be found by doing a search on Google for the phrase keyword tool. You will want to bookmark this site because it will be on that you visit quite often as you are building your online business.
Start your keyword search using this tool by typing in the core keyword or keyword phrase people may be searching for. For example, if you teach dance to children and are looking for people who may want to purchase a video on this topic, start with the words ‘children’s dance’ when you begin. You will then see how many people are doing a search for this keyword phrase, as well as other search terms they are using. Finally type in ‘children’s dance video’ and you will see that there are people who are looking specifically for this phrase.
The more specific you get, the smaller the number of searches. We refer to these as long-tail keywords because they are targeting a small number of people who are interested in that niche. In your article title, use both a highly searched phrase as well as a long-tail phrase, even if the title sounds awkward to you. The people who are looking for that specific information, such as where to find a dance video for their children, are your most highly qualified leads.
Send your readers back to your blog or to an optin page where they can receive more information on your topic, as well as leave their name and email address so that you can stay in touch with them.