Writing an Effective Welcome Speech

When you are put in charge of greeting a new addition to your team or organization, you have to think carefully about how to go about writing an effective welcome speech. It is proper etiquette to welcome an individual or group to an organization with a welcome speech: It is a formality that makes people feel welcomed, supported, and motivated. Take the time to write one, and you will instantly win over the support and affection of a crowd.

Formatting Your Welcome Speech

Your welcome speech should be about five minutes long. Include the following information in your speech:

  • A greeting to both the original members of an organization, any honorary people present, and the new addition or additions to your group or organization. Sometimes, the people joining you that you are addressing in the welcome speech will be a few individuals you can point out by name. Other times, it might be a particular group – such as “The Class of 2010,” “The Quality Assurance Team,” or “the wildly popular rock band, Aerosmith.”
  • Some background information about why you have come together on this day, and what will take place after the greetings are over.
  • Share some goals that will motivate everyone to accept the new members of the group and that will initiate bonding and teamwork among everyone.
  • Send everyone off to work together in a motivating fashion. Leave everyone excited about what is to come, and use your welcome speech to start everything out on a positive note.

Making the Speech Effective

Think about doing your research beforehand so that you can prepare everyone well with solid information for what is to come. Make sure you get everyone’s titles and names correctly – and make sure you know how to correctly pronounce them.

The key is to get everyone excited about what is in the future – not explain everything that will happen in detail. It can be annoying and frustrating to listen to a long, drawn-out speech that will only spoil the events, meetings and ideas that are to come.

What to Avoid in Your Speech

Try to steer clear of revealing extremely personal information with the crowd.  Your speech should serve as a welcoming introduction, not a full briefing on each individual. By saving some details for later, you make sure that people will excited to personally meet with each other and learn from each other.

Engage Your Audience

Remember – this is when people will be most excited and attentive. Everything is just starting, and everyone is just meeting each other. This being said, you shouldn’t have to work too hard to engage your audience. Be honest, and share why it is exciting to all be together and welcome each other.

Make sure that you keep a positive, upbeat attitude as you read your short speech. It should feel honest and welcoming. Try to be friendly and courteous to all parties you are welcoming, and share why it is an incredible opportunity to all be together in the same place.

Towards the end of your short speech, share a little information on what will directly follow your speech – be it a brunch, a formal lecture, or another activity. You should know that you can also share some big goals of what will happen while you are all together. Perhaps you can put together some ideas about the benefits of working together, such as building team spirit and engaging with each other. For more information about writing an effective welcome speech, ask your colleagues what they are expecting to hear at the meeting.

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