
Who Is Destroying Mankind (And How)?

These days, two percent of mankind, the banks, corporations, and political tzars, are usurping oil and gas, thus making mankind poorer and themselves wealthier, according to their cold calculation that hunger will do its job. Oil production is destroying nature, as witnessed by the recent British Petrol oil rig fire in the Gulf of Texas. The marine flora and fauna was literally cut in half during that incident. We all know that the thick forests and jungles of South America are the lungs of this planet. Oil companies have talked the president of Ecuador – huge commissions have broken even those people who have a better sense of ethics than politicians – into agreeing to oil production in the Amazon rainforest, in the Yasuni reservation. Oil production will completely destroy aboriginal tribes, as well as the biologically most diverse region of the planet, which jeopardizes the survival of many species of birds, monkeys and amphibians. To cut a long story short, oil exploitation pollutes rivers and forests, it destroys the fauna and causes global warming. What for? Human greed! Let us remember the Darwinist’s thesis, that evolution is based on the survival of the fittest, and the elimination of the imperfect, born or unborn, which is considered auxiliary to the evolutional process.

A few days ago, I was involved in a heated debate with some Darwinists in Milan. In this article, I shall reinstate my thesis, thus leaving every reader with the freedom to choose their own opinion.

We all know about the battle between the selves in every person since the moment of their birth, and faith helps people to fight the evil inside them and around them, and faith’s home is the soul, at the very center of humans. The soul proves that there is but one Creator, because people will be capable of cloming a man, but not his soul! Without soul and faith, humans become inhumane. Darwinists are trying to disprove it with their thesis on human evolution, but they eventually run into a trap of their own making. Darwinism is very dangerous to the human spirit and mankind itself, and proof for that lies in the fact that Darwin’s theory led to the horrible genocides of the 20th century, behind which there were the dictatorial rules by Hitler, Stalin (he became an atheist after reading Darwin’s ‘Origin of the species’), Mao Ze Dong (with hundreds of thousands of students killed), Pol Pot, and the most monstrous among living dictators, the young Kim Yong-Il, who turned North Korea into a concentration camp. Religion has been long since forbidden in that dark state, and people feel the chill around their hearts even when the sun breaks through the dark clouds. The occasional lucky ones who survived the death camps and escaped to South Korea testify about the planned starvation and torture of an entire nation, saying that the young dictator is even more brutal than his late father. What kind of sick mind can peacefully watch the death of hundreds of thousands of children, mothers and fathers? But the crazy dictator Kim doesn’t just organize the starvation and execution of his own nation, no, he also introduced Darwin’s evolution theory into schools. Why did he do that? Little is it known that during his education in an expansive boarding school, the young dictator ran into Darwin’s ‘Origin of the species’ by chance, and the two became inseparable. During its short history, nazism was responsible for the death of 60 million people, and communism for 150 million. In order to understand what I am writing about, it would be good to note that Darwin’s theory is based on natural selection, which destroys entities that lack the ability to adapt to living conditions, and supports those who are better adjusted. The basic mechanism of Darwin’s evolution theory includes variation, inheritance and selection. Doesn’t it remind you of the aforementioned totalitarian regimes? Yes, they all want faithless and soulless people. Why? Because the soul enriches people with compassion, love, honesty, conscience, thinking, kindness and creativity for the greater good.

What about Darwinists? Evolution is based on the ‘survival of the fittest’ and the elimination of those who are not, born or unborn, which is considered auxiliary to the evolutional process. So, now it’s clear why faith and the soul are a thorn in the Darwinist’s side. “‘If man is not made in the image of God, nothing then stands in the way of inhumanity.” Dr Francis Schaeffer

These days, human life became cheap and worthless. Isn’t that the well-known handwriting of the Darwinists? Isn’t that the ghastly manifesto of modern bankers too, as well as corporations and their political puppets? Abortion is becoming perfectly legal, even infanticide is legalized – the murder of handicapped children – euthanasia, or mercy killing of older people, humans are cloned, infertile couples want assisted reproductive technology despite the millions of children in orphanages, families are destroyed through unnatural laws, fun is being made of faith in the Lord, and all of this is done under the guise of evolutionism. What is the role of evolution? It is taught in schools and universities as a fact, and so we reach a system of scrambled values, that compassion, kindness, humility and faith are considered primitive, while insensitivity, cold calculatedness, greed and atheism are becoming the progressive fly-wheel of human evolution.

In order to preserve human dignity as a deed of the Creator with a soul, we need to return to those genuine human values, like compassion, love, humility, creativity for the greater good, as well as faith. The dignity of every individual, young or old, healthy or not, poor or abandoned, needs to be preserved as that of a person with a soul, created with God’s mercy and providence, because this is the only way for humanity to progress in a humanist direction. Faith can do more for life’s sanctity than Darwin’s evolution.

When banks, corporations and their scientists claim that global warming is just a natural process, like human evolution, we need to know that it’s absolutely not a natural process, but a product of human greed. Faith teaches us that man can only achieve humanistic progress in synergy with nature, because they both share the same Creator. The wind, the sun and the moon will drive mankind towards a much more humane and progressive age. Why? These days, two percent of mankind, the banks, corporations, and political tzars, are usurping oil and gas, thus making mankind poorer and themselves wealthier, according to their cold calculation that hunger will do its job. Oil production is destroying nature, as witnessed by the recent British Petrol oil rig fire in the Gulf of Texas. The marine flora and fauna was literally cut in half during that incident. We all know that the thick forests and jungles of South America are the lungs of this planet. Oil companies have talked the president of Ecuador – huge commissions have broken even those people who have a better sense of ethics than politicians – into agreeing to oil production in the Amazon rainforest, in the Yasuni reservation. Oil production will completely destroy aboriginal tribes, as well as the biologically most diverse region of the planet, which jeopardizes the survival of many species of birds, monkeys and amphibians. To cut a long story short, oil exploitation pollutes rivers and forests, it destroys the fauna and causes global warming. What for? Human greed! Let us remember the Darwinist’s thesis, that evolution is based on the survival of the fittest, and the elimination of the imperfect, born or unborn, which is considered auxiliary to the evolutional process. If mankind would follow the sanctity of life – and I hope it will – just as faith follows mankind, they would create so much energy through their synergy, that this evolution of theirs (the survival of the fittest) would tumble and fall like a card stack. How? Through alternative energy! It’s the cleanest source of energy! It’s a gift from heaven, quite literally! What’s just as important is that only alternative energy (the sun, the wind, the moon… ) can stop global warming and hunger throughout the world.

Skeptics are correct when they say that banks and corporations want to cash in on alternative energy sources. It’s not just about greed, but also about the ghastly thesis that only the fittest should survive. Because of this, the world’s politicians should be held responsible to create a worldwide declaration through which alternative energy should be considered property of all the planet’s inhabitants, i.e. each country’s citizens, lest we forget that the Creator passed the nature on to everyone. If we allow a small number of people, banks and corporations to monopolize alternative energy, there will be even more hunger and poverty instead. Corporations and banks use their media to create rumors that, due to the world’s growing population, the hungry simply can’t be fed, and poverty cannot be fought (there are one billion and 245 thousand hungry people in the world today). This is not true! Each year, millions of people die due to the fact that there is a shortage of food that is stored and rotting elsewhere. According to FAO data (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), there would be enough food for all the people in the world if it was evenly redistributed. Actually, there would even be some left. At the moment, the world produces 10 percent more food than the amount that is needed to feed everyone.

If we want a better future, we need to gather the strength to look the past in the eyes, as it teaches us that greed destroyed more than one human civilization. When Darwinists say that the current generation is the only civilization, and that a mere few thousand years ago people were but monkeys, then they are deceiving the public on purpose. Why? Because they do not want to admit that humans with a soul walked the earth long before the dinosaurs did. Yes, white, black, yellow and red people have walked upright long before dinosaurs. You don’t believe that? Let us look into the eyes of the good old wise history.

An incredibly well preserved skeleton of a man was found more than 100 feet below ground in McCoupen county in Illinois. According to the records, a thick layer of single-piece slate was right above the skeleton. This is an important factoid, because when scientists make such discoveries, they say that the skeleton isn’t that old, and that it must have dropped to that depth somehow. In this case, it was impossible, since the slate layer was uninterrupted, and it completely separated the skeleton from the ground. Illinois geologists decided that the rock was at a depth of more than 100 feet, below the slate, and it was more than 300 million years old. Even dinosaurs weren’t around back then.

The University of St. Petersburg made a remarkable discovery that might change our perception of history altogether. Archeologist Yuri Golubev claims that this might be the most important discovery in the history of the world. This wasn’t the first discovery of ancient artefacts, but it is definitely the first time they discovered metal items that were part of a complex mechanism. Experts are still in awe, considering how well the items were preserved, but they still cannot believe that such technology could have existed 400 million years ago. Since the investigation is still in its early stages, Golubev says that no theory should be dismissed, and he emphasizes that evolution isn’t linear, and that this discovery could open the door to some completely new scientific knowledge. Some of the scientists’ theories include the possibility that an equally conscious and developed civilization like ours could have existed on Earth, but it disappeared for reasons unknown.

There is even better evidence that humans didn’t walk like monkeys a few thousand years back, as Darwinists would have it. Miners in the town of Ottosdalin in western Transvaal in South Africa discovered a multitude of round metal objects with a diameter of around 2 centimeters. The most interesting characteristics of these objects are parallel engravings around the center of each object. Some have two, some have three, while some have only one. The objects were shown on “The Mysterious Origins of Man”, an NBC show.

The objects were examined by independent experts, and company representatives said that they couldn’t possibly explain how these objects could naturally occur in deep layers of the earth, which means that they were manufactured by a civilization comparable to ours. The problem for Darwinists is the fact that these objects were discovered in layers of rock that are 2,800,000,000 years old.

Global warming, as well as the growing number of hungry people in the world, are a warning to mankind. The time to save this civilization is running out. If mankind doesn’t want to share the destiny of these former civilizations, it is high time to start acting in a humanist way.

Greed, insensitivity, and the relentless race for wealth and glory aren’t progress but, rather, mankind’s doom. Look into the eyes of the bankers, of big shareholders of powerful corporations, of brokers and the ever growing army of those who hunt for quick and easy money. What do you see? Happiness? Peace and calm? Love? No! A greedy person can never have enough. And why? Let’s return to Darwin: Evolution is based on the survival of the fittest and the elemenation of the imperfect.

So, now it becomes clearer who and why is supporting evolution according to Darwin. But they are also shooting themselves in the feet. Why? The survival of the fittest equals the total destruction of mankind. Why? A greedy person can never have enough, and a simple equation teaches us that the number of the fittest will fall until there is only one man left on Earth. And then Mother Nature will take care of him.

Walter William Safar

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