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The Types Of E Commerce

Emergence of internet over the past few years has changed the trends of business world at exponential rate. Now world has become a Global Village

In short, the operating system is the brain of a computer. The computer only works depending on what kind of operating system it is using. Most people prefer to use Windows than other systems because it is being globally used. The people who chose Macs over Windows did so because Macs works very smoothly for them, they are virtually virus free and that the hardware are also sleek and high-end looking. Linux users prefer to use Linux because it is an open source and not only are they virus free, but they also can download the software for free over the internet. It does not matter what kind of Operating System the consumer wishes to use because it all comes down to their own preferences. 5

Task 2-Presentation 6

Task 1-Report

What products does my local area import?

What products does my local area import? You can research one product, a type of product, or several different products. You will need to look at the current trends and how these are changing, and how they are expected to change in the future. You should look at the reasons behind the trends. You can research this online and also get information from local business or shops. You do not necessarily have to look at large scale imports in major industries – it could be a small store which imports fruit and vegetables from a nearby farm.

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Operating System

The Operating System-or OS for short-used on a computer really depends on what type of computer the consumer itself is using. The operating system’s version will have to depend on user’s preferences and what they are aiming to achieve with the product. If a person buys a Sony VAIO, he or she is most likely to use Windows as his/her computer’s operating system, and if the person buys an Apple, it would be Mac because the system has been pre-loaded into their computers. A computer is considered useless if it is without its operating system.

Current Trend:

In Brunei, Microsoft Windows is being widely used and preferred at the moment. Reason being is that most of the consumer’s primary computers’ operating system is Windows. Thus, a lot of the people prefer to use Windows because it is what they are familiar and comfortable with. It is also easier for them to do their work since most of them-be it at school or in the office-still prefer Windows than other operating systems and they can easily sync their work without having to change their files’ format to suit the operating system they are using.

However, the Windows users have to deal with virus prone software that are highly disliked by the consumers as the virus will corrupt their work. Even with anti-virus programs installed into their computers, they still get virus threats every now and then because when you buy a PC, you get both the hardware and software from different companies, which makes it vulnerable to virus attacks because Windows allow various types application to be download into the system and viruses are one of them.

Changing Trends:

Macintosh was the first computer ever produced, however Windows gained popularity because it sold itself to big companies such as IBM.

The government has recently introduced Mac to students by providing public schools with MacBooks so that their students can be Apple literate. The public people, although not in a very large number, are also slowly starting to shift to Mac because they feel that it is much more secure and reliable in terms of virus handling and crashing programs than Windows because Mac’s applications and computers are both made Apple. Since Mac’s applications are made to work generally the same way, it would be easier for users to learn and navigate throughout the system.

Apple build their own computers and software so it rarely crash or freeze or even catch a virus because its design. Apple’s browser, Safari alerts users when an item has finished downloading as well as continually making free security updates with the option of having it automatically downloaded.

Future Trends:

Even with the currently slow Windows to Mac conversion in Brunei, there are people who also wish to switch from Windows to Linux, but not in a very large number. Why people would want to switch to Linux is because not only Linux is freely distributed, its functionality, flexibility and sturdiness has made it the main alternative for proprietary UNIX and Microsoft operating systems. Not only that most of their software are virus free but the system also automatically updates them. Major computing companies have embraced and supported Linux’s development and it has been adopted worldwide primarily as a server platform and is getting more common for home and office desktop.

Whether it’s a scientist, a hacker, a student or someone who wants to store everything on the internet, there’s always something for everyone, but if there is not any flavour of Linux for you, you could always tailor one for yourself.

You can install Linux on your computer, your tablet, your phone or even your washing machine and it will run just fine. Linux is very flexible in that way and that flexibility is what makes it so powerful and is why many labs, servers and companies use Linux.


According to the survey conducted, 69% people who did the survey are Windows user, 27% of them uses Mac and the remaining 4% uses Linux.

1 out 4 Windows user, who are using Windows 7 wishes to move to Mac because Mac is much better in terms of virus handling and it is cheaper compared to when they buy a PC.

1 out of 8 user wishes to move to Linux because they are interested on how it works as Linux is a free open source that are powered and developed by the community.

3 out 4 Windows user, who are using older versions of Windows, wishes to upgrade their PC to Windows 7 because:

This version of Windows has improved itself in such a way that the users can multi-task easier on it than on the previous versions. It keeps the system safe by having a built-in protection against spyware and other malicious software, and it also encrypts the entire drive.

Users will spend less time waiting for their PC to get ready if they use the Sleep Mode because it is made to do so. It is also designed to reconnect to their wireless network faster so it will be ready in seconds.

It has added features such as Pin and Jump List and it is able to navigate lots of open windows.

Users can turn their PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot and share any kind of Internet connection wirelessly with any Wi-Fi enabled devices by using ‘Connectify’.


In short, the operating system is the brain of a computer. The computer only works depending on what kind of operating system it is using. Most people prefer to use Windows than other systems because it is being globally used. The people who chose Macs over Windows did so because Macs works very smoothly for them, they are virtually virus free and that the hardware are also sleek and high-end looking. Linux users prefer to use Linux because it is an open source and not only are they virus free, but they also can download the software for free over the internet. It does not matter what kind of Operating System the consumer wishes to use because it all comes down to their own preferences.

Task 2-Presentation

The topic of your report- what you chose to investigate.

The topic is about Operating System.

The conclusion of your report.

In short, the operating system is the brain of a computer. The computer only works depending on what kind of operating system it is using. Most people prefer to use Windows than other systems because it is being globally used. The people who chose Macs over Windows did so because Macs works very smoothly for them, they are virtually virus free and that the hardware are also sleek and high-end looking. Linux users prefer to use Linux because it is an open source and not only are they virus free, but they also can download the software for free over the internet. It does not matter what kind of Operating System the consumer wishes to use because it all comes down to their own preferences.

The research that support your conclusion.

Mac Vs. PC: Myth-Busting Guide For Consumers


The Benefits of Mac Vs. PC


About Linux


Survey Form


How the research supports your conclusions and how you came to these conclusions.

I found the information needed from the internet and from the survey I have conducted. My conclusion speaks about the consumers’ preferences on which type of Operating System they will then wish to choose.

The steps you took to research your report.

I first understand the question. Then, I thought of topic and then proceeded to come up with ideas for my report from the internet. I gathered information from each of the Operating Systems’ official website, except for Linux as there is not any existing official website, and other websites that compares what kind of Operating System the public prefers to use.

How you conducted research

I have conducted a survey on Survey Monkey ( so that the public people can provide me with information I need to complete my report.

I have gathered information through the internet from a search engine, Google, to find relevant websites.

How you evaluated the sources

I took the relevant points and compared them with each other to confirm that what I wrote in my report in accurate.

Why you chose your sources

They are reliable.

They provide clear explanations on each of the products.

I can comprehend their clarification on the subject.

The steps you took to write and edit your report.

I gathered as much information I can get and then summaries the indentified relevant points and I tried to avoid repetition.

How you feel about your ability and skills as a writer

My writing skills are not so brilliant because I cannot interpret the things I visualised onto paper very well.

Your strengths and weaknesses


I have a fairly good vocabulary so it made my task somewhat easier.


I had trouble identifying key points in the gathered information.

I also had trouble composing the report because of my lack of key point identifying skills.

I spent too much time on thinking of what kind of information to collect.

What you would change next time and why

I wish to improve my time managing skills and identifying skills in written form so that I will not submit my work so close to the due date and I can ignore irrelevant information.


which means what used to be a single physical market place located in one geographical area has now become a border-less marketplace, attracting customers and businesses from all over the world. It provides businesses with many advantages for instance setting up an online business is less costly since it doesn’t require physical infrastructure for a shop, a business can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, these long working hours helps businesses generating more profits. It also offers businesses to try new product lines and marketing strategies in cost effective way. The biggest advantage of online business is that even small businesses can compete with international corporations since consumers cannot figure out the actual size of firm.

E-commerce can be defined in different ways:

“E-commerce refers to various online commercial activities focusing on commodity exchanges by electronic means, internet in particular”.

Zheng Qin (2009) , Introduction to e commerce, Page 7

E-COMMERCE refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange, electronic mail, electronic bulletin boards, electronic funds transfer, world wide web, and other network-based technologies.

E-COMMERCE, The Cutting Edge of Business , Second Edition (2005) by Kamlesh K Bajaj and Debjani Nag

“E-COMMERCE is the use of telecommunications and computers to facilitate the trade of goods and services”

E-commerce by S. Pankaj (2005) page 3

Types of E-commerce

There are Four Main Types Of E-commerce Model:

1) Business to Business (B2B)

B2B can be define as commerce transactions between businesses, such as transactions between a wholesaler and retailer.

2) Business to Consumer (B2C)

As discussed in class lecture, B2C refers to a commerce transaction between business and individual rather then a company or Businesses selling to the general public for example Dell computer which sells directly to general public through website.

3) Consumer to Business( C2B)

C2B is a reverse form of business to consumer, in C2B the commerce transaction take place between consumer and business, for instance, which allow individuals to place their requirements on a website within hours companies review the project and make bids on a project then consumer review the bids and select the company with most suitable bid.

4) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

C2C is simply a commerce transaction between consumer to consumer, manay auctions webistes allow consumers to interact with other consumers to buy and sell all sort of items for example,

Above mentioned types of E-commerce clearly shows that electronic commerce is becoming the back bone of transactions at every level for both businesses and consumers. The impact of this emerging trend has changed the fundamentals of supply chain management by redefining the way in which consumers select, purchase and use products and services. E-commerce has also provided companies with opportunity to work more closer to customers what we call ‘consumers intimacy’ which allow companies to shape their innovation process with changing demand of consumers.

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Classifications of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce:

As described by Deborah Morley & Charles S. Parker(2010) ” With the business to consumer model, businesses sell goods or services to individual consumers. The B2C model was one of the first major types of e-commerce business models to be defined and implemented using the Web. Some example of B2C businesses include,,, and”.

There are two main types of B2C E-Commerce:

1) Direct Sellers

Direct Sellers are those companies which provide products or services directly to consumers. The important factors that contribute towards the success of B2C e-commerce are Direct Selling experience and consumers database. There is a limit to amount of information that can be communicated through catalogs but internet offers a powerful medium by which direct sellers can provide consumers with thousands of products with detailed description and high-quality visuals.

Example: Dell Computers

2) Online Intermediaries

Online intermediaries are companies that facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and receive a percentage of the transaction’s value. For examples Internet Service Providers( ISP).

Supply Chain Management

An electronic alternative to the traditional paper chain, providing companies with a smarter, faster, more efficient way to get the right product to the right customer at the right time and price. Combines the power of the Internet with the latest technology, enabling participating suppliers to access up-to-date company information and enabling companies to better manage and track supply and demand


The blessings of Internet have been observed the most by Airline Industry and as a result of it Airline ticket sales now comprise of the largest portion of all product sales made online. This is because

e-ticketing is beneficial for both the airlines as well as the travelers. Traditionally the only options available to a passenger were either to buy tickets from a travel agency or from airport. But now with the advent of Internet, airlines have used tool like e-distribution system.

An airline’s costs can be divided into following two parts:

Direct Operating Costs- which includes aircraft, its fuel and salaries of the staff

Indirect Operating Costs- which is the distribution cost.

The direct operating cost will remain more or less fixed while there is room for saving on indirect cost. This is where e-commerce can play an important role by integrating all business units and efficiently managing logistics. The major components of indirect cost for airline industry includes Sales office, Reservation system ,Travel agent fees,Ticketing fees & Promotion and advertisements.

Previously, airlines payed commissions to travel agents for selling their tickets, in addition money was also spent on setting up of sales office and staff salaries. Extra capital was used for printing and issuing of tickets. To cut down the operating cost airlines had to turn to e-ticketing to limit their sales offices and reduce their dependency on sales agents. Every airline has now setup their own website offering online booking facility. This also allow Airlines to promote different marketing strategies through web site which gives them more chance to attract new customers.

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Through the use of e-commerce and development of websites airlines has integrated all the parties involve in a business process for instance tourism business industry can link up with airline website using the integrated information system so that they can get the real time data through share database about the customers booking for their hotel along with the airline tickets.

Online sells has also extended the business hours for airlines since customers can do online bookings round the clock and thus throughout the year. While passengers have the luxury of scheduling their own flight in a matter of few clicks saving both time and money.


E-commerce has revolutionized the business models. Trading online enables businesses to reach much wider audience while cutting the costs of traditional retailing methods. It also provide businesses with long working hours and minimum human capital. E-commerce allows businesses to better understand and meet the demands of customers, working more closely with them by managing databases, resulting in better supply chain management activities and efficient logistics. E-commerce has also changed the way customers learn , select, purchase and use products and services, providing them with more personalized experience ever and by cutting the ‘middle man’ out businesses have provide consumers with fast processing and close interaction with company.


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