
The Female Orgasm Black Book

Now, that’s e-book that I am sure that most of us can value, if not for the content then at least for the tips contained here. I am sure that some of you must have heard the old ‘she faked it’ many a time. Well, the truth is that some women apparently do so, I can already here the chorus ‘we do not do so’ in the background. But it is the truth and you do not need to have a personal experience to realize this but just a read of some of the books or a viewing of ‘the sex and the city’ should clear up that doubt for you once and all. From a male perspective, I have to say that ‘The female orgasm black book’ speaks volumes and the way that Lee Jenkins seems to have gone into this topic in detail in his book.

It may seem a bit odd for a few to hear that a few women do fake it from time to time, but this book is more on how to pleasure the women than going into why they do it. Some of the reasons may be obvious to some while others may not. But like I said, ‘The female orgasm black book’ is more about pleasure than a thesis work. Lee Jenkins gives you the low down on what is a ‘g spot’ and on how to find it and pleasure your woman [assuming that it is only one]. There are quite a few books on sex and pleasure and ‘The female orgasm black book’ seems to encapsulate most of what the other books have been saying including a new twist on the old ‘take control’ method.

‘The female orgasm black book’ should be more than enough to guide you to the right way to making love. It comes with step-by-step instructions including signs to look out for in order to confirm that your lady partner is in the throes of an orgasm. Like I said, this is a new area for us men and not many of us can even make out if our respective partners have had a orgasm leave alone trying to find out whether they faked it or not.

‘The female orgasm black book’ comes with quite a few neat oral techniques that some of us can put to good use. If you are looking out for new ways to pleasure your partner, then this book should set you in the right direction. Men and women have been making love since time immemorial and it is high time that we learnt to do it correctly, don’t you? By the way, there is a special offer for this manual as well as some of the others, so check it out before it is too late.

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