Persuasive Essay Writing Made Easy

Many students incessantly look for books on persuasive essay writing; but, persuasive writing is quite easy when you have the passion and the drive to do it.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

Unlike an argumentative essay, a persuasive essay has one main goal – that is to persuade the audience of a certain viewpoint. It can be compared to a sales pitch, except your essay is not selling a product – it more or less is selling a point of view.

You will quickly recognize persuasive essays in the many advertisements that you are bombarded with online.

  • Have you ever visited a website only to find a whitepaper (which looks like a long, drawn out blog) that begins with the heading “Dear Friend?” These are persuasive essays, persuading you to buy a product or buy into an idea.
  • These online ads are persuasive essays that present the opposing viewpoint, yet substantiates their point of view with facts and plenty of testimonials.

There are many essays online which sort of presents the notion of persuasive essay writing made easy. All you need to do is type in a search term and plenty will come up.

Persuasive Essays Are Convincing

You can find a lot of persuasive essays in the realm of politics. Political figures, whether senators, congressional personnel, lobbyist or presidential staff, developing and using persuasive essays is quite common.

In order to write a concrete, persuasive essay you will need to do your homework on the topic in which you choose. That basically means that you will need to be familiar with both sides of the coin – your side as well as the opposing argument. As long as you are strong on both sides – that is that you are capable of presenting possible oppositions to your argument – you will be able to have a very successful persuasive essay.

Persuasive essays have substantial facts in support of the topic in which the essay presents. Yet still the main purpose of writing a persuasive essay is to convince the reader to concur with your position.

Making the Writing Easy

You can easily write a persuasive essay in three short paragraphs.

  • Your first paragraph should be your strongest paragraph because it should present your argument or recommendation.

Your first sentence should be your persuasive idea.

The second through fourth sentences in your first paragraph should be supportive of the position that you present in the first sentence and they should be non-debatable facts.

The last sentence of the first paragraph should conclude the thought yet simultaneously transition into the next paragraph.

  • The next two paragraphs should reinforce your initial viewpoint, therefore persuading the reader that this position (your position) is the best possible position.
  • The last sentence in the last paragraph should sum everything up and conclude the overall essay.

As long as you begin with a clear and precise persuasive thesis statement, and fuse it with solid facts, then you will be well on your way to delivering the pitch perfect persuasive essay. If you fall short with your facts or supportive sentences, then inevitably the reader will lose interest.

A great example of a persuasive essay is just about any essay by President Barack Obama. If you study his essays you will see evidence of how powerful a persuasive essay can be. It can elude to the notion that it is an informative essay; however, the main purpose of a persuasive essay is to sort of seduce the reader into agreeing with your view and encouraging the reader to want to take a stance and take action for whatever cause that you present.

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