
Paul Brunton – By Annie Cahn Fung

The book under review, ‘Paul Brunton’ is written by Annie Cahn Fung. It is a thesis of seven long years presented by the author to the Department of Religious Anthropology, University of Paris, Sorbonne.

Written in a lucid style the book covers all aspects of the great life of Paul Brunton, the mystic writer (1898-1981). It consists of two parts, Prelude to a Quest and The Quest for Truth.

The research led the research scholar to Switzerland, India and The United States. Brunton died in Switzerland in 1981 and he spent many years in India where he met very many great souls. Brunton’s friends and students founded Wisdom’s Goldenrod center for Philosophic Study in US and Anne Cahn Fung has collected all important information about Brunton, here.

Paul Brunton’s real name was Raphael Hurst. He was born in London on November 27, 1898. He came to India in 1930 and met the great Sankaracharya of Kanchi mutt and the sage of Thiruvannamalai Ramana Maharishi. In 1931, during his second stay at Thiruvannamalai he encountered many mystical experiences taking him to a new sprititual hight. Due to some unexpected financial and professional reasons he was forced to return back to London.

His second visit to India was in 1935. He stayed in Thiruvannamalai and published his famous book, ‘A message from Arunachala’. He spent four months in the heart of Himalayas.

He passed the winter, 1937-1938 in London and then returned to India for the third time in 1939.

The author explains in detail the various incidents that led Brunton to many cities of the world and the mystical experiences he encountered therein.

His friendship with Maharaja of Mysore is very interesting. It is in Mysore he met the learned guru, Sri Subrahmanya Iyer, The guruji of Maharajah of Mysore.

His day to day discussions with Mr Iyer gave him a fresh insight in all of his research. Under Iyer’s influence, Brunton had written the book, ‘The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga’.

Due to some ‘deplorable situation’ in Ramanashramam, he had to return back to Mysore from Thiruvannamalai and he never saw Ramana maharishi again.

But his faith in Ramana’s teachings was unshattered. After spending many months in the company of Sri Iyer, he returned to London.

The first part of the book explains all these in detail and the second part explains the intricate perception, space and time, casuality, karma, evolution, mind and brain, symbolism of numbers, inner divinity etc.

Brunton’s view of the “Hinduized” West will make us an interesting reading.

The author concludes the book with two chapters titled, ‘Brunton’s work’ and ‘The man who bridged the East and West’.

The book is very interesting as it covers many hitherto untold happenings in Paul Brunton’s life.

We heard all about Brunton’s active years in India. But after that we are not aware of any thing about his exclusive last years.

The book gives all about Paul Brunton, and I recommend very strongly all Ramana devotees and Brunton admirers to read this book.

Words fail me in congratulating the author who took a very rare subject for her thesis.

After reading this book, I am sure, the reader will be ‘reborn’ again knowing many secrets of life.

I suggest the author Annie to write more about Brunton’s life and his views on Vedanta as her seven long years’ research will certainly reveal more interesting information.

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