Keyword Research in Search Engine Optimisation

The goal of search engine optimisation is to increase the targeted traffic to a particular website. It is a complex and time-consuming process that involves many elements. Keyword research is an important element in this process. Understanding how keywords are selected will help you come up with keywords that are relevant to your site and get you the traffic.

It is true that search engine optimisation is very important for your website. You cannot just create a website and hope that it will get traffic. A site starts to get targeted traffic only after it is optimised.

Importance Of Keywords

Keyword research is an important part of the SEO process. Those surfing the net and looking for particular information or thing have to type in keywords in the search box. These keywords are related to the topic one is looking for. After typing in the keywords, the search engine shows a list of sites that provide service or information on the keyword.

In other words, to show up your site on the search engine, you will have to use the right keywords. To come up with the right keywords, you would need to conduct a keyword research.

Keyword Research Process

The first step in the keyword research process, as per the search engine optimisation process, involves brainstorming. You need to sit down with your team and come up with words that potential customers or visitors would use to find the services or information that your website is offering.

There are several tools that are available online to help in your keyword research. Every SEO training session provides information on how to use Word tracker and Overture, two of the online tools for keyword research. You can use these tools to find out how many times a particular keyword has been searched. Based on this data, you can gauge the recent trends in keyword usage and selection.

Here it is important to mention that both these tools are very useful in selecting keywords that you can target. However, you should not rely on these tools to predict how much traffic you can get using a particular keyword.

The next step in keyword research process involves studying various customer surveys. Understanding what your potential and existing customers want will help you come up with new set of keywords.

Once you have completed the above three steps of keyword research in the search engine optimisation process, you need to have a set of select terms or keywords that you think will attract traffic to your website. However, you cannot just randomly select keywords from the list. You need to analyze how much traffic you can get using the keyword.

You also need to think about the conversion rate for that particular keyword. In other words, you need to find out what percentage of users will click on the ad or buy a product.

Next you need to analyze how much money is earned per customer when that keyword is used in the search. Finally, you need to measure the competitiveness of the keyword.

Once the keywords have been selected, they need to be tested. Based on the resultant traffic, conversions, and activity, you can further refine the keywords.

These are just some of the basic steps that you need to take to come up with the right keywords. You should also be aware that keyword research is just one element in the search engine optimisation process.

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