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How To Write Excellent MBA Entrance Essays?

Writing an entrance essay of any kind is a daunting task as the writer is faced with the immediate concern of what does the committee want to hear? While this article is geared towards the MBA entrance essay, other entrance essay-writers may find some useful tips.

First, do research. Before writing any paper, including an entrance essay, do research! Go to the library and look at sample essays, or go online and do a search for MBA entrance essays. While seeking a professor’s guidance is always a good idea, it is usually best to return to your professors with a rough draft rather than trying to answer the essay from your professor’s point of view. Also, don’t forget you have a great resource for business essays at the school you are applying for: Email or call the admissions office and ask if they have sample MBA essays they can provide or email some of the students in the program for a sample of their essay.

Your entrance essay will usually have one or two questions you answer or pick from, in which case do some brainstorming and discover which question you can best answer and that will stand out among all the other essays. Make sure to stay on topic and answer the question.

Keep in mind the committee reviewing your entrance essay is not expecting perfection in what you have accomplished since it would be an impossible expectation, so don’t exaggerate or lie. The committee is more interested in the steps you took to deal with your situation. MBA entrance essays usually ask for an example of your business abilities and a situation that you handled un-supervised, more or less.

Some MBA Entrance Essay Guidelines For Deciding on What to Write:

  • Do not pick something too far in the past, but rather something more recent, even if you did not succeed. If you are forthright and accepting of your failure and what mistakes you may have made, people are more likely to remember your actions and good intentions rather than the failure.
  • Do not just limit yourself to job failures unless the essay is specifically asking for this, but don’t shy away from the topic either — the committee is more than likely going to give you those extra points for admitting a business failure and your forthrightness about it.
  • Do not try and shock your readers and don’t pick something that will bring your morals into question.
  • Pick some other topic to write about, if you cannot clearly state what you learned from your failure or your success (and you should be able to comment clearly on this).

When writing your MBA entrance essay, keep a straight-forward and objective tone. Let your story speak for itself, and do not try and excuse your actions if you write about a failure. Keep your essay as concise as possible.

If your entrance essay asks you to discuss why their particular school is a necessary step in your life, discuss exactly that. If you are like some applicants then you might perhaps have chosen the school because it was close to home, or it was the cheapest, but rather do a bit of research on the school you are about to spend a good portion of your money on and your life and discuss why it would be a good fit for you. Perhaps the school is known for its diversity among students, the classes are small and individual attention is better provided, or perhaps the school offers the classes you are most interested in, whatever your reason, expand on it and don’t make it a simple sentence though it is tempting to do.

Furthermore, you should be able to consider your future with this degree, and your MBA entrance essay might ask you to discuss what you plan on using this degree for, where you see your career in ten years, etc. Take some time and think about it — where do you see yourself? Even if you aren’t going into business there is a use for your degree in other fields, again, do some research and discover what other people like you have done. Or perhaps mention you new pioneering efforts with the degree. Don’t think you have to “fit in” and use your degree in the office setting with a suit-and-tie ensemble, think outside the box!

Finally, revise! Don’t let your good story go unnoticed because of grammatical errors or syntactical snafus. An entrance essay isn’t just about providing a reason why you should be accepted, what you have done towards the degree or what you will do with it, but it is also an example of your analytical and verbal skills. This essay allows admissions readers to better know the candidate beyond test scores and GPA and will, in many cases, help readers decide who is the better prospective student for their particular program (which is why it is useful to do research on the school and make sure that your essay is geared towards their school and program).

If for any reason you feel that your essay or term paper writing skills aren’t on level with what they need, practice! And don’t be afraid of asking help from legitimate sources like where their academic research writers are more than willing to help you get into the school of your choice by editing, revising, or working with you to complete the essay you have inside of you but don’t quite have the words to put it to paper.

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