Getting a Doctorate in Self-Improvement Tech
Getting a Doctorate in Self-improvement Tech has been one of my lifelong dreams. The degree by itself is worthless but the experience gained in the quest to acquire that certification is priceless.
A Doctorate in Self-improvement Tech presents a unique challenge. That is due to the fact that there is no bona fide University offering this particular degree so the candidate has to be both the student and the Director of the thesis.
That little technicality might be a deterrent for some but of little consequences for others. The man who invented the nail had never heard of a hammer but that did not stop him from creating one of the most useful gadget that the world had ever known.
Value depends on the quality of the construct and on the perception of the beholder. Owning a Doctorate in Self-improvement Tech is no exception. It is not who awarded the degree that counts.
What really matters is the quality of the researches that were made, the lessons learned, the experience acquired while making those researches and the pertinence of the thesis. Anything else is secondary and just incidental.
The first thing that needs to be done before work on the thesis even begins is to setup the prerequisites necessary to qualify and be accepted as a serious candidate for the doctorate. Since the candidate is also the thesis Director, he is the one who has to setup the criteria.
A doctorate is serious business, so should be the perquisites. As an example, Tony Robbins read 700 books on psychology and self-help topics, took over 100 seminars and even traveled to Russia for further studies before he started feeling as an authority on the subject of self-improvement. That program could certainly be used as guideline in establishing the formation required to attempt the process of writing a thesis.
Personally I also attended over 100 seminars, read hundreds of books on self-improvement and related subjects. Gave hundred of lectures, wrote over 250 related articles and devoted over 4000 hours on a indebt study of Robbins’ teachings.
My preparation will take writing 750 more articles and directing my self-improvement forums for two more years. By that time, I will have spent three decades assimilating the art and science of success and feel that I will be ready to begin writing my thesis.
The redaction of that document is also a wonderful learning and growing experience in itself. Relatively few people get the chance to undertake such a stimulating challenge. Writing a thesis is above all substantiating a proposed theory. Unlike writing a book or a lengthy article, it has to be founded on solid propositions in such a way that it can later be used as a credible source of references.
That could sound like a very lengthy project to acquire a sheepskin that has no academic value or recognition. It would be if the object of the exercise were to obtain the diploma. But it is not. This is one of those projects where, just like a leisure cruise, the journey is what really matters and the final objective is simply the port of arrival.
As Tony Robbins says in his book, Awaking the Giant Within, “Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow.
Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.”
If Tony is right, and I believe that he is, getting a Doctorate in Self-improvement Tech would be an excellent way of acquiring that long-lasting sense of fulfillment.