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Effective Academic Journal Writing

Learning effective academic journal writing is essential if you are a student that is interested in having your research and findings published one day. There are many graduate or doctorate level students who are required to write an academic paper in order to earn a degree or to demonstrate proficiency in their major. Oftentimes, if your academic writing is stellar it can be published in an academic journal, and being published can open up many doors for you as a professional. In order to present your written work in the best manner, there are a few guidelines that will assist in writing effectively for academic journals.

Keys to Academic Journal Writing

There are a variety of factors that contribute to quality academic writing. It is important that you understand how to write for academic purposes as there are different types of writing, and not all writing styles are sufficient or appropriate for certain audiences.

There are a few keys to writing for academic journals that should be recognized:

  • It is important for you to remember that academic writing is very formal. It is not the same as writing a short story or poetry. Understanding this will allow you, as the writer, to make sure that the tone of the written piece is very professional and free from the use of clichés, jokes or personal anecdotes.
  • Academic journal writing is analyzed for its writing quality. It is very important that you take the time to make sure that such aspects as spelling, grammar and format are correct. Academic pieces that have a numerous errors will not be taken seriously.
  • Effective academic journal writing should always be supported by citations and references. Correctly citing your sources is extremely important when writing for academic purposes as it shows that the proper credit is given to the individuals that were used throughout your academic piece for support of subject matter.

Writing Quality and Academic Journal Writing

One of the most important aspects of academic journal writing is the writing quality.

  • The content for academic writing should be well identified by the topic. The reader is expecting that the content matter will be related to the topic. Likewise, when you place subtopics within an academic writing piece, the content should match the subtopic.
  • There should be an obvious flow to the academic article. In fact, in most cases, someone reading your academic piece for specific information should be able to go to a subtopic and obtain all the information that is needed.
  • The structure of the academic article is also a part of the writing quality. It will be very hard for people to understand what you are writing if structure is lacking. Proper structure within an article allows you, as the writer, to effectively communicate ideas about a particular topic. Likewise, proper structure also enables the reader to access information efficiently.
  • The ability for others to access information in your academic writing piece is also very important if you desire to be published.

Clarity of Purpose of Academic Journal Writing

The goal of academic writing is to inform an audience about a particular topic in a very professional manner. Academic journal writing calls for:

  • Clearly stating your purpose
  • Presenting your information in a manner that is simplistic enough for others to read and understand while still having the tone of an academic piece.
  • Presenting your ideas clearly when writing an academic piece.
  • Being concise, without being completely stripped of the necessary facts that are needed to support your topic.

Take the time to review your academic pieces prior to submission in order to ensure that the content is valid and informative and that the topic is properly supported by other sources in the correct manner.

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