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Discussion Writing Service

The Discussion

Following your methodologyanalysis and results chapters, you will need to provide a chapter or section comprising a critical discussion of the results of your research. Whether this discussion is a stand-alone chapter or integrated into your conclusion, it is imperative that you understand what it requires and that you get it right. Whatever the topic of your research, our dissertation discussion writing service provides all the help you need in achieving these goals.

The Importance of Your Discussion Chapter

The discussion chapter of your thesis or dissertation may be the most difficult part to write. Having spent so much time writing the main body of your thesis, you may even feel that you have little or nothing left to say. Unfortunately, this means that many students end up using their discussion chapter to simply rehash the conclusions of their analysis and results chapters. However, this is a serious mistake. Rather, your discussion chapter should:

  • Critically evaluate the extent to which your research objectives have been achieved.
  • Discuss any objectives that were revised, discarded or replaced and the reasons for this.
  • Explicitly relate your findings back to the conceptual framework and methodology upon which the study was based and tie together the various issues covered in the body of the thesis.
  • Provide a clear statement of how your work relates to that of others discussed in your literature review, explaining how your findings differ from or support theirs and why.
  • Discuss possible objections and challenges to your conclusions and how they might be answered.
  • Avoid straying too far from the data and overstating your results by over-generalising, or by making claims for causation where only correlations have been established.
  • Identify the various limitations of the study and their implications.

How We Can Help 

Along with your analysis chapter, your discussion chapter is likely to be the section of your thesis or dissertation that will be most intensively and critically scrutinised by your examiners. In order to ensure that your viva voce goes smoothly, it is crucial that you use this chapter to present an advanced critical discussion of your results. Since it is very likely that you are too close to your own work to carry this out effectively, we strongly advise that you take advantage of our unique discussion writing service.

When you place an order for our dissertation discussion writing service, we will assign you a personal academic consultant who is an expert in your field of research. Your consultant will be able to help you with all of the aspects mentioned above to ensure that you submit a critical discussion chapter that makes the best possible impression upon your examiners. By getting your discussion chapter right – particularly in terms of pre-empting possible criticisms and objections – you will also have gone a long way towards preparing yourself for your all-important viva voce.

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