
Creating An Essay On A Film

Has your instructor assigned an essay about a film? Are you unsure where to begin? No problem. A few tips will make the essay easier to write.

While watching the film, write down things that strike you as important. Make a few notes while watching the film.

Now, it is time to gather information about the film. Begin by asking a few questions about the film? What is the problem in the film? Who are the main characters? How was the problem solved? Are there any drawbacks about the film? What is the setting? Why is the setting important? How did the sound effects affect the film? What is the theme of the film? Sometimes to answer these questions the film or video may need to be watched more than once. Brainstorming the questions and listing answers is a great way to start and finish the essay on time. Try to gather as much information about the film as possible even if some of the information is not used. Watch the film again if necessary.

Review the notes that you have made during the film and by asking questions about the film. What is the whole picture of the film? Next, begin analyzing why different characters reacted the way they did. What would you do if you were the main character? Was the film worth watching? Why or why not? How did the setting affect the main characters?

Once you have thought about the film and analyzed it, take any notes that you have written and begin thinking about a thesis statement and an outline. These help organize the notes. What is the key insight about the film? How does this judgment affect you? What will be the thesis? What supporting evidence do you have to support this thesis? Create an outline using your notes.

Now, it is time to write a rough draft. Begin by summarizing the film. List all the important information about the film such as title and author. How will you begin the first paragraph? Will you use a funny anecdote from the film? Or, how about a question that draws the reader into wanting to know more? In the first paragraph give the purpose of the film and list some of the main characters saying how these affect the purpose of the film.

The body of the essay should have main points as the first sentence with supporting evidence for each of these topic sentences. State the main point and then relate them to what you saw from the movie. Give examples using different characters or even how the setting related to the main point. Perhaps the style of the actor or actress attributed to how the character acted. Analyze different parts of the movie and say how these affect the thesis statement or topic sentence.

A conclusion should not just be a summary and then the end. The conclusion should review and revise the purpose of the film and what was the value of it. End with a question or a bold statement. This leaves the reader thinking about the essay after reading it. The final part of writing an essay about a film is to proofread it. Ask yourself if you fully understand the purpose of the film. Did you understand the characters, the setting or the plot? Did you discuss any specific parts of the film that made it special? Did you bring the conclusion to a full ending with a take-away value? Next, check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Rewrite the essay.

Let others read the essay and give their opinions as to the structure of the essay and their views on the purpose of the essay or the characters. Edit the essay again before giving it to the college instructor. Take pride in your writing knowing that revision is a vital part of writing an essay.

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