Best Tips for Writing a Professional Resume

Toss out the old rules and misnomers about resumes having to be one page long and of a certain format. One of the best tips for writing a professional resume is to know that each resume is a one of a kind – there are no duplicates because each one is unique.

It is with time, effort and research that you can have a pitch perfect and highly professional resume. Some of the tips for resume writing provided by industry pros still are not always what is best for your situation. Understanding that a well written resume is your passport to an interview is essential.

Resume Writing Tips

The sole aim of writing a resume is to secure an interview and snag a good job. Many resume services sell hype – that is they sell the façade that with their services you will be guaranteed to get a job because of the magic that they used to update your resume. You should be wary of resume services because everything that they can do you can inevitably do on your own.

Know Your Employer

Knowing what the potential employer is looking for is half of the battle won when it comes to resume writing.

  • Look carefully at the job announcement.
  • Look at the position and all of the keywords that are listed in the desired qualifications and expected duties.
  • Apply the characteristics that are desired and mandatory to those qualifications that you have.

If a potential employer is looking for a candidate with five years of administrative experience and you have seven years of office experience you should compare your resume with the job announcement. You can swap out certain adjectives. For example, the word “administrative” is an adjective for “office work.” Look carefully and note any similarities that you may have.

All About You

List all of the activities or professional organizations in which you are a member.

  • Be sure to list the associations where you hold a significant position.
  • Pull from those associations any information on your leadership abilities – even if you think it sounds silly, if it showcases your leadership abilities you should note it in your resume.
  • Tailor your resume to the particular industry in which you are seeking work. If it is retail, then you should develop a resume that focuses on any retail experience that you may have. Furthermore, if you are applying for a management level position, then you need to focus more on your management background in your resume.
  • Discuss your strengths – you can do this in a short bulleted list. You want to draw the prospective employer’s eye to your strengths. So if you are excellent at interpersonal communication and writing then you should note it on your resume. If you are a go-getter who is willing to go the extra mile in order to get the job done, then your should note that as well.
  • Use active, power words – Action words show enthusiasm and present you as a more motivated employee. A sentence like “I managed three people.” is stronger than saying “Three people were managed by me.” Use adjectives that accurately describe your skills and experience.

Do not make the mistake in thinking that your resume is just a record of your past. That is a huge mistake. A resume is a compact instruction manual that tells potential employers where you want to be. While you are including a glimpse into your past work history, you should always think of your resume as a how-to manual for potential employers to invest in.

There are many formats that can be used. The key is to find one that is the best style and formality for your prospective employer. A quick breeze through resume examples on the Internet will give you a wide variety of formats to consider.

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