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Audio Transcription Technology



With the development of computer network technology and e-commerce, the self-service banking system has got extensive popularization with the characteristic offering of high-quality 24 hours service for customer. Nowadays, using an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) which provide customers with the convenient banknote trading is very common. However, the financial crime case has risen in recent years. A lot of criminals tamper with the ATM terminal and steal user’s credit card and password by illegal means. Once user’s bank card is lost and the password is stolen, the criminal can draw all cash in the shortest time, which will bring enormous financial losses to customer. How to carry on the valid identity becomes the focus in current financial circle. For the traditional ATM terminal customer recognition systems only rely on bank cards, passwords, and such identity verification methods are not perfect and functions are too single. Our new ATM terminal system is proposed and designed for solving the bugs of traditional ones. In this system additional to normal pin and password one more biometric technology, fingerprint is also added to provide high secured authentication. In recent years, the algorithm of fingerprint recognition is continuously updated, which has offered us a new verification means for us. The original password authentication method combined with the biometric identification technology verify the clients’ identity better and improve the safety of ATM machines effectively. After entering the pin number, the user must give his finger print as another key process. If the fingerprint matches with the fingerprint which is already stored in the bank server’s database, then only he can perform further transactions. The Token is generated by the Server to the user’s mobile number. So that the legitimate user only can give the Token for the further process of authentication. Main advantage of our system is that it provides full security to the customer as well as it alerts the police if any suspicious person tries to use the ATM card.

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The embedded ATM client authentication system is based on fingerprint recognition which is designed after analyzing the existed ATM system. The S3C2440 chip is used as the core of these embedded systems which is associated with the technologies of fingerprint recognition and current high speed network communication. The primary functions are shown as follows:

• Fingerprint recognition: The masters’ fingerprint information was used as the standards of identification. It must certify the feature of the human fingerprint before using ATM system.

• Remote authentication: System can compare current client’s fingerprint information with remote fingerprint data server.

• Telephone alarming: Once an exception happens, such as log in as the fake identity, the system will start the phone alarm to inform client and bank staff as soon as possible.

• Message alarming: the message can be send to the relevant staff’s mobile phone without any noise, in order to carry on emergency processing.

• Police network connection: The system can call the police via the police network.

• Two discriminate analysis methods: Besides the fingerprint recognition, the mode of password recognition can be also used for the system.

The S3C2440 chip is used as the core of entire hardware.

Furthermore, the modules of LCD, keyboard, alarm, fingerprint recognition are connected with the main chip (S3C2440).The SRAM and FLASH are also embodied in the system. There are some modules consisted of the system as


LCD module: The OMAP5910 is used in this module as a LCD controller, it supported 1024*1024

image of 15 gray-scale or 3375 colors.

Keyboard module: It can be used for inputting passwords.

Alarming module: TC35i alarming module is based on GSM technology implement which can call the credit card owner and send message to relevant staffs without any sound.

SRAM and FLASH: The 16-bit 29LV160BB- 70REC of FLASH chip and the 32-bit HY57V561620CT-6 of SRAM chip are connected with the main chip. Their functions are storing the running code, the information of fingerprint and the algorithm.

Fingerprint recognition module: Atmel Company’s AT77CI04B be used for fingerprint recognition. It has a 500dpi resolution, anti-press, anti-static, anticorrosion.

Ethernet switch controller: RTL8308B can provides eight 10/1 00 Mbps RMII Ethernet ports, which can connect police network and remote fingerprint data server.

Before using the ATM terminal, the client’s fingerprint feature will be connected to the remote fingerprint data server to match fingerprint data with the master’s, if the

result isn’t correct, the system will call police automatically and send alarm to the credit card owner.





AT77C I 04B



S3C2440This is how the block diagram of the hardware module looks like.

S3C2440 works as a core of entire hardware.


AT77CI04B is used for fingerprint recognition and RTL8308B is used to connect to police network and server in which the fingerprints are saved.


The design of software is very important for this embedded system. The design included the design of main program flow chart, the

Initializing ones, and the algorithm of fingerprint recognition flow chart.

This system of software is implemented by the steps as follows: first of all, the Linux kernel and the File system are loaded into the main chip. The next, the system is initialized to implement specific task, such as checking A TM system, GSM communication and so on, and then each module reset for ready to run commands.

Before using A TM terminal, the password and fingerprint is required. First owner’s password is entered and if password Matches with the password already saved

In the database, then the system requests for owner’s fingerprint. If the fingerprint

matches with the fingerprint saved in the bank, the system would enter into the waiting status. In addition, the number of times the recognition of fingerprint and password are restricted to 3. If more than 3 times, the system will call the police through police network, telephone to the owner and

Send message to relevant staff. Then it locks the owner’s credit card.

Another security measure which can be added is that if the password and fingerprint matches a token number can be generated and sent to the owner mobile. Now the owner must enter that token number and proceed with his transaction. This is an additional security measure which can be provided to the customer.

In the process of inputting fingerprint, the AT77CI04B which is a linear sensor captures fingerprint images by sweeping the finger over the sensing area. This will be used for acquiring the image of fingerprint. This product embed true hardware based 8-way navigation and click functions. The

fingerprint information will be temporarily stored in SRAM and upload to the remote fingerprint data server to compare

through bank network. The result of process will be controlled by main chip(S3C2440).

The initializing process means that set the hardware and software and then starts the multiple mission modules, each

Module will be started according to the priority processes. At first the system clock is initialized, and it executes the codes of

open interrupt and the open interrupt task. Then, the system would judge and enter process of module. Finally, the system would start to attempt multiple tasks.



The design of algorithm based on fingerprint recognition is so vital for the whole system. We would approach two steps to process the images of fingerprint.

Fingerprint recognition process

The first step is the acquisition of fingerprint image by the above device mentioned in the algorithm, and the results

could be sent to the following process.

Secondly, pre-processing the images acquired. After obtaining the fingerprint image, it must be pre-processed.

Generally, pre-processing is done by filtering, histogram computing, image enhancement and image linearization.

Lastly, the characteristic value was extracted, and the results of the above measures would be compared with the

information of owner’s fingerprint in the database so as to verify whether the character is matched, and then the system

returns the results if it matches or not.

Fingerprint image enhancement

Fingerprint recognition module is an extremely important part of the system.

The high-quality images is the major

Factor for influencing the performance in the system. There is a lot of noise in fingerprint image. Now the image enhancement is the precondition for recognition of fingerprint characteristics. The algorithm of fingerprint recognition based on the algorithm of Gabor and direction filter is used. Fingerprint enhancement algorithm based on Gabor

Filter could be better to remove noise, strengthen the definition between the ridge and valley. It could significantly improve the image enhancement processing capacity, but this algorithm was slow in dealing with the high capacity requirements. Fingerprint enhancement algorithm based on direction filter has a faster processing capability, but it was not good in handing the large noise

Areas. So combination of these two algorithms could obtain better effects. The algorithm based on direction filter was

used in the clear area, and based on Gabor filter was used in the recoverable region.


The design of ATM terminal system based on fingerprint recognition has more advantages. It has advantages of the stability and reliability of fingerprint characteristics, a new biological technology. Fingerprints are unique for every individual and thus it provides high authentication. This is also based on the image enhancement algorithm of Gabor and direction filter. Additionally, this system also contains the original verifying methods which were inputting owner’s password.

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One drawback of this system is that in certain situation the owner is not able to go directly to the ATM and he sends some authorized user to withdraw money. It is not possible for that person to withdraw money because of fingerprint method. Here we have a solution for this situation. In addition to the owner’s fingerprint another authorized user’s fingerprint of the owner’s choice can be added to the database. Now in a situation where the owner is not able to go to ATM, that user can use their fingerprint and withdraw money.

The security features were enhanced largely for the stability and reliability of owner recognition. The whole system was build on the technology of embedded system which makes the system more safe, reliable and easy to use.

The aim of this assignment is to outline key areas for Audio Transcription. Audio Transcription, in its simplest form it is the transformation of verbal and audio materials onto a text document.  The typist has the use of Headphones to hear the recording and uses a foot pedal to control the speed and stop/play of the audio and also rewind and fast forward.  The typist has to record the audio as they hear it and follow any instructions given by the speaker.

There is a lot of reference material which can be used to ensure accuracy when doing audio transcription. Below is a description of some:

Spell Checker:  This is used to check the accuracy of the spelling of an electronic document with the use of a software program that compares words in the document with a list of acceptable spellings.  You can also permanently put a new word into the dictionary if it’s not already there so spell check won’t continuously show it up as incorrect spelling.

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Thesaurus:  Is a reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms), in contract to a dictionary, which provides definitions for words, and generally lists them in alphabetical order.  The main purpose of such reference works is to help the user “to find the word, or words, by which an idea may be most fitly and aptly expressed” – to quote Peter Mark Roget, architect of the best known thesaurus in the English language.

Mims: MIMS or monthly Index of Medical Specialities is an independently edited publication designed as a prescribing guide for the general practitioner.  It is aimed at healthcare professionals, including general practitioners (GPs), pharmacists, nurses and secondary care specialists.  It is considered dangerous practice to refer to old editions.  Concise drug monographs form the core of MIMS; these include key safety information (contraindications, warnings, interactions and adverse effects) and details of the active ingredient, presentations, price, indication, dosage and manufacturer.  Entries are independently compiled by the MIMS editorial team based on the full Summary of Product clinical guidance.  The MIMS website features a predictive search function that allows users to search the drug listings by brand, generic ingredient or drug class.  Online versions of the comparison tables and guideline summaries are supplemented by additional web only resources including clinical calculators and patient fact sheets.  Al the content is freely available except the drug listings.  Registrations is free for GPs but other users much subscribe.



It is very important to ensure accuracy is met at all times when doing Audio Transcription. You are dealing with sensitive information and also you run the risk of e.g. putting the wrong medicine name on a prescription or wrong information on the doctors notes which can have catastrophic results.

The main screen of the Olympus Dictation Management System Software which is used for Audio Transcription is shown below:

This is the changing of the Layout of the Page/document that is being used through the Page Layout on the Toolbar.  There are many ways to change the Layout and here is a breakdown of a few.

Page Layout:To change the Orientation (direction) of the Page/Document, click on the Page Layout icon on the top left hand side of the Toolbar.

From there click on Orientation with your mouse

Portraitor Landscape will appear then click on the icon that is required and it will change.

SPACING:To change the spacing (bigger or smaller) between each line, click into Page Layout on the top right hand corner of the toolbar.

The spacing column is in the centre of the Page.

The spacing can now be adjusted between each line of the wording.

FONT:Changing the Font type and size by manually going into the top right hand side of your toolbar and clicking on the drop down arrow beside the Font style, scroll down the list and click on the chosen one. This can be done for both Font Type and Size.  The shortcut to this is to right click on the mouse and the same toolbar options pop up and the same actions can be completed.

BOLD:Changing the font to bold, click on the B on the top right hand corner of the Toolbar by clicking on the or the shortcut to it is Ctrl and B. Ensure to unclick the letter on the Toolbar menu or re-click the shortcut Ctrl and B or it will keep writing with Bold.

ITALICS:Changing the font to Italicsthis can be accessed on the top right hand corner of the toolbar by clicking on the Ior the shortcut to this is Ctrl and the letter I.  Ensure to unclick the letter Ion the toolbar or re-click the shortcut Ctrl and I or it will keep writing in Italic’s.


Shannon Medical Centre


To: Melinda McCarthy
From: Yvonne Wesley
Cc: Alexandra Hughes
Date: January 13, 2017
Re: Andrew Williams


Please organise the chest x-ray for the above lady at your earliest convenience.

You might copy Margaret in on the outcome.

The basic business letter format is the same across a range of industries, with few variations for content and style.  The letter should be left-aligned, single-spaced with a one-inch margin and a standard 11-or 12-point type size.  The top line below the letterhead should be the correct date, followed by one line of space followed by Our Ref space and Your Ref (if relevant) and the address of the recipient.  Following this Urgent/For attentions of in bold (if relevant).  Place one line of space after the recipient’s address and use a simple, professional greeting and another line of space. Each following paragraph should be separated by a line. Insert one line after the last paragraph, followed by a closing. Leave four lines of space for your signature, and type your name and title.  It is important do either use Full Punctuation or Open Punctuation.

Ennis Hospital,


Co Clare.

18 July 2017

Our Ref: VR/CR

Dr Raefel Jones,

St John’s Hospital,

Alberton Road,

Dublin 4.

Re: Mrs Helen Brindsley DOB 02/10/65 – 2 The Maltings, Ennis, Co Clare.

Dear Dr Raefel,

This lady was admitted to this hospital on 29th June last for investigation of early dementia.  As you know she is vague and disorientated and an abnormal behaviour pattern has been noted both at work and by her family.  There were no abnormal signs on examination.  The investigations arranged showed normal Vitamin B12 metabolism but the results of thyroid function studies are meaningless in view of previous therapy with Tabs Thyroxine.

The most significant finding was some cortical atrophy demonstrated by an air encephalogram.  The cerebrospinal fluid examined at the time of the radiological procedure showed a raised protein content of 74 mg per 100 million; there were no cells in the fluid and the sugar content was normal.

I think the dementia is the pre-senile variety and I fear the condition will deteriorate.  I have interviewed her husband and made him aware of the prognosis but no doubt you will be seeing him to discuss the matter further and to give him all possible support.

Yours sincerely,


Viictor Radetski FRCP DPM

Consultant Psychiatrist

It is very important to give special attention when dictating numerical figures and units of measurements.  A minor change in numerical values or units of measurements can harm the patient.

It’s important that dictated numbers are easily understood by the transcriptionist.  The teen numbers can be confused with “ty2 numbers, as in 13/30, 14/40, 15/50, 16/60, 17/70, 18/80 and 19/90.  For example, when you dictate 14, say “Fourteen, that’s one, four”, or 50, say “Fifty, that’s five, zero.[T1]


  • Full stops, colons, question marks, dashes, semi colons and exclamation marks are usually dictated.
  • The start of a new paragraph is indicated by the word “paragraph”.
  • Words to be underscored are dictated and then followed by the instructions ‘underscore’; e.g., ‘Please send me details of your personal (underscore personal) computers.’
  • Initial capitals are not usually indicated, but if there is a doubt, the following method is used: ‘initial capital/initial capitals’ e.g., ‘I have a current account with the (initial capital) National Irish Bank.’
  • The 24-hour clock is dictated as spoken; e.g., ‘thirteen hundred hours (typed without a full stop) 1300 hours.
  • If you are using open punctuation, there are no full stops in abbreviations.  Even with full punctuation, certain abbreviations do not have full stops.  If for some particular reason the dictator wants stops inserted, he would say, ‘capital letters N stop U stop R stop’ N.U.R.

Bullets are normally used when ranking and order are not important and will not be referenced later.  For example:

  • Application Form
  • Proof of address

Numbering is usually used when you need to reference them.  For example:

All applicants must provide the following documents:

a) Application form

b) Proof of address

Item b) can be any utility bills, bank statements or letters from government agencies.

And if ranking or order (e.g. steps to bake a cake) is important, then it makes sense to use numbering.

You can access the Bullet/Numbering key on the Toolbar on the main screen of your Microsoft Word document as show below.


Tables are used to lay out information in individual columns and rows within a Word Document.  The point where the column intersects with the row is known as a cell.  To create a table first click onto the Toolbar menu at the top of the page, click on Insert. Below is an example of when at table can be used in Audio Transcription

Medical Term Meaning
1 Blood Pressure (BP) The pressure of the blood in the Circulatory System
2 Complete Blood Count (CBC) A blood test used to evaluate overall health and detect any health issues
3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible
4 Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) Blood clot in large vein
5 Fracture (FX) Complete or incomplete break in a bone resulting from the application of excessive force
6 Pulse (P) The rhythmic dilation of an artery that results from beating of the heart
7 Rebound (REB) Rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
8 Three times daily (TID) As in taking medicine three times daily
9 Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Any number of viral or bacterial infection
10 Vital Signs are stable (VSS) From the standpoint of the temperature, blood pressure, and pulse, the patient is doing well.

To create a table first click onto the Toolbar menu at the top of the page, click on Insert.

Next Click on Tables.


Pull the mouse over the box and it will show up as many columns as needed, when there is enough of the box highlighted just click on the left hand side of the mouse and it will insert a table as below.

Now all data can be filled into each column or row as required.


Columns are used in a Word Document to change the layout of the page into sections or columns across the page.  This is beneficial if you want to save space on a page and fit more text in.  To set up the columns you go to the page Layout on the Screen and click into it.

Click into columns

From here select as many columns as you need.

Medical Term Meaning
1 Blood Pressure (BP) The pressure of the blood in the Circulatory System
2 Complete Blood Count (CBC) A blood test used to evaluate overall health and detect any health issues
3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible
4 Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) Blood clot in large vein
5 Fracture (FX) Complete or incomplete break in a bone resulting from the application of excessive force
6 Pulse (P) The rhythmic dilation of an artery that results from beating of the heart
7 Rebound (REB) Rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
8 Three times daily (TID) As in taking medicine three times daily
9 Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Any number of viral or bacterial infection
10 Vital Signs are stable (VSS) From the standpoint of the temperature, blood pressure, and pulse, the patient is doing well.








[T0]The spacing in this letter is too big – keep example on one page

[T1]This is irrelevant – you are writing about the transcriptionist

[T2]This is not about word processing – you need to describe what tables and columns might be used for in audio transcription


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