Admission Essay

If you are a student who wish to go for higher studies will have to go through the admission process. The admission process is a tough one for the students and one of the toughest parts of admission process is writing admission essay. The essay is very imperative for you to get admission to the college or university that you wish to get entrance. Students are essential to come up with a superior essay to make an impression on the admission coming. Writing a best admission essay is not a simple task for the students. However, there are some effective ways left of the students to write down their application essay in top manner. Seeking the help of professional admission essay writing services like StudyBay is one of the effective ways to get done your essay successfully.

Have you got an admission paper to do within a few days? Do you feel difficulty in completing your admission essay writing? You are required to meet all the requirements of admission committee to gain access to the college or university that you desire to go on with your studies. We are ready to help you in this situation. Many of our professional writers were professors at the colleges and universities so they are well known to the requirements needed in an application essay. So place your order with us and we can aid you to be successful.

We are a professional admission essay writing service and are also an experienced writing service who can take up any level of academic application essays that the clients ask for us to get done. When we are here to give you a helping hand, you can stay away from all the worries and anxieties regarding writing your paper. We are reliable, professional, experienced and genuine service provider and the clients can expect the same quality and unique work from us. Experience what is called professionalism by placing you order with us.

Why The Number of International Students Increases Every Year?

Every academic year, thousands of universities abroad open its doors to international students and gives them a better future. The number of international students in the US universities grew by 7.1 percentages. Why the number of international students increasing in US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc college and universities increases every year is, in fact, a matter of discussion.

According to a recent international study report, China tops the list in sending the highest number of students to the US. India follows and then Saudi Arabia and Korea follow the league. It is not only in US colleges and universities, but the number is increasing in other countries as well like UK, Australia, and Canada.

The dream of going abroad to a first world country and earning a graduation, post-graduation or a doctoral degree is not a recent dream. Even before students flew across the borders, there were students sent across to the U.K and the U.S in steamers. Why do international students from developing and developed countries choose to study abroad? Here are a few major reasons;

  • For the quality of education
  • To gain new experience in a post-modern environment
  • In dreams of better employment opportunity after the education
  • To hone language skills
  • Uncovering new talents
  • To make lifelong friends
  • And for personal development

Staying away from one’s comfort zone is a test of your courage, patience, and determination. It’s an opportunity to get to know one’s own country from a distance. Mostly, one’s appreciation towards his or her homeland increases once away from the land. The global perception sweeps in, tolerance towards others increases and self-reliant independence gives the students confidence and courage.

The opportunities that the abroad universities provide are humongous. International students used to get help from scholarships to governments aids for meritorious students to internship programs. It’s the right time to travel abroad and steer your future towards furtherance. The best asset of any nation is its people. What happens when the most intelligent percentage of the young population decide to go abroad, get an international degree, and get a job in the best company?. The progress of a nation thus improves.

From abroad countries, international students will get world-class educational experience and employment opportunities in one’s own country and outside of his country. Unfortunately, many countries fail to provide such reliable opportunities. So, students make a decision to study in a foreign country because they can study in a well-reputed college or university that presents them better learning opportunities.

According to the world conference conducted by UNESCO in 2009, over 2.5 million students were studying outside their home country. The majority were studying in the United States, the U.K., Germany, France, Australia, and Canada. The number of international students doubled in the last few years.

1. Why the US and the UK are Still Students Favorite Oversees Destination?

The US and UK studying dream is something any student aspires for. If they are not able to achieve it, must make sure their generation next see and achieve a degree from one of the top US universities. There are more than 4500 institutions offering undergraduate courses in the US. Though the visa requirements and work along with studies options were made tough by the government, the UK and the US are still the top options for students aspiring for a foreign degree. Why is this preference?

A Global Realm to Experience

The UK and the US universities are known for its vibrant campuses. Most of them focus on the development in a student’s life by giving them unending opportunities. One can get involved in sports, be a part of social service community, write for the university newspaper, etc.

Academic Flexibility

Abroad in the US and the UK courses are offered many times in a year. Students get to complete the academic year at ones’ own pace. Highly qualified teachers taking classes in these universities make sure you get enough subject knowledge. Many people have the doubt in mind whether USA or UK is the best when it comes to providing education to international students. The best thing to say is that both the countries offer best education facilities to students across the world.

Availability of Scholarships

The international students with a keen interest in studying a particular subject always get the scholarship and government aids. The UK and the US make sure a talented person get umpteen opportunities. Innumerable scholarships are available to be explored. In 2016, the US allowed graduates from STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to stay in the country for 2 years to get work experience and later also provided the opportunity to extend their stay. Scholarship essays are important when you try to get the scholarship to study abroad.

International Recognition

Whether it is an undergraduate degree, post-graduation degree or a doctoral degree, the ones you receive from the US or the UK is internationally recognized. The UK after the US is the second most popular destination for the international students for its quality and standards.

The UK institutions make sure the standards and quality of the education are always met. Independent audits are carried out by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). In the UK, one can choose over from 150,000 courses at universities and colleges across Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.

Strong Research Institution

The UK and the US have got the best research institutions. The people who do doctoral studies in the prestigious organizations get employment opportunities around the globe without any hassle.

Some of the Top Universities in the US are;

  • Columbia University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Michigan State University
  • Washington State University
  • Northeastern University

Some of the Top Universities in the UK are;

  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • University College London
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • The University of Aberdeen

Here are a few study abroad resources:

  • Bureau Of Education & Cultural Affairs
  • Institute of International Education
  • Fulbright Scholarship Programs
  • Gilman International Scholarship
  • National Security Language Initiative
  • Centers For Interamerican Studies
  • Broadreach
  • Chris Stevens Initiative
  • SPI Study Abroad
  • Greenheart Cultural Exchange
  • The Peace Corps

2. Why Students choose Abroad Universities over Colleges in one’s Own Nation?

Every student with high aspiration would want to go abroad and study once in their lifetime. Reasons being many including a few we had seen in the first few paragraph of this article. Here is a list of reasons on why people choose to study abroad;

One of the study shows that; 97% students studying abroad found a job within 12 months of their course completion. Whereas only 49% of college graduates studying in their home country found employment during the same time. This is the case in both the US and the UK. Admission essays are important for students when applying to UK and USA College. Custom essay writing services can help students to write an excellent admission essay.

Better Employment Opportunities Abroad As Well As In The Home Country

To Brush Up On Language Skills: Recently, if you have noticed there are many students who come down to US and UK to master the nuances of English language. UK and USA have a mastery over the English language than the students of other nations. However, cheap essay writing service can help those students to overcome the issue of English Language.

Living in a Global Environment: Getting to live in a country for many months is absolutely a different experience. And it is nothing like holidaying. You pick up the local language, you get to eat local food, your circle of friends becomes different, and you tend to exchange ideas and culture. There are many successful professionals and business minds that bring back remarkable experiences back home. They become successful in implementing these ideas in their own home countries.

Because Of the Love for Travelling: One of the greatest benefits while in a different country is that you can travel multiple places. You learn more about yourself too. For example, if you choose to live and study in France you can visit places like Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and other neighboring countries. In the same way, if you choose to live in the California, you can travel to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Utah and many other neighboring places.

Because It Will Prove To Be an Unforgettable Experience: Study abroad will give a student enough memories to last a lifetime. Make maximum use of these valuable moments. Collect and save train tickets, photographs, mementos etc. Haven’t you had an uncle or an aunt or a distant relative who studied abroad years ago narrating stories to the generation next. Of how they survived in a distant land, of how they first got to taste a food for the first time, of a foreign girlfriend, of how he or she managed to secure a rank in a foreign university etc. Applying to a college or university in UK and USA can be challenging as you need to write admission essays.

3. Things To Consider Before Choosing An International University

Congratulation if you have decided to pursue your studies abroad. But did you choose the right destination and the right university? Here is a checklist;

Do a self-analysis; understand your strengths and weaknesses. Decide on what subject are you going to study abroad. Do not compromise on selecting the best college providing your choice of subject.

Budget; are you eligible for a scholarship? If not are you planning to apply for one? Will you be able to work and study in the country you choose? Calculate an average budget for the entire period of the stay in the foreign country. Will you be getting an educational loan? Beware of fraudulence; there are many local educational and job assistance agencies that promise admissions and jobs abroad. Beware of them. Make sure you enquire well before submitting your documents, signing on papers or even depositing cash.

Recently, most of us would have read how New Zealand deported 150 Indian students. These students were totally unaware how their agent forged financial information in their visa application. These kinds of forgery may lead to serious law enforcement, deportation or permanent ineligibility to apply for the visa. So before you trust an agency make sure it is genuine. One must do a thorough research before approaching a consultant.

Here are a few more points to remember:

  • Is there a valid recognition of your academic qualifications in the university you applied to?
  • Do you meet all the language requirements? Most universities abroad ask for the TOEFL score.
  • Does the degree earned abroad will help you in the future career?
  • Is the university you applied for higher studies recognized and ranked?
  • What are the other perks you get while studying at the University you choose?
  • Will you be able to work in your home country?

Once you are out of your homeland, most of the students are self-reliant. Assistance provided to you will be minimal. So planning and doing research before investing in further studies is mandatory while in your own home country. Getting a chance to study abroad is not even a choice for many people, so when opportunities knock on your doors, use it wisely.

In today’s era when everybody is connected globally, I don’t see why students should stay away from extraordinary experiences. Studying abroad once in a lifetime will give you a wider perspective, change your way of thinking, will help in improving your tolerance for other culture, learn how to adjust, be self-reliant, be strong, be independent and mostly set you a bright future.

The numbers of friends you meet and interact and live along for the course of your studies will be helpful to you in one way or the other. Save money by eating healthy food at a budget and travel across the country you go to.

4. Admission Essays; How Important is it While Applying to a Foreign University?

An academic essay can be descriptive, argumentative and Expository written texts asked by foreign universities to analyze the students and decide on their eligibility. Most foreign universities seek for admission essays to make sure of the eligibility and candidature. Most admissions essays are written essays but unlike a SOP, which means there is no standard format. They vary from university to university, from course to course or even for country to country.

Here are a few points to remember before working on your admission essay;

Understand why the university asked you to submit the particular essay. By reading just one essay, the expertise can make sure whether the student is ambitious, whether he or she can bring laurels to the university, what are the long-term goals of the student, etc.

Determine your essay goals. Most students would want the essay reviewer to analyze them as responsible, dependable, and academically ambitious.

Plan your essay. Understand the task and plan as in what goes in the first paragraph, the body, and the conclusion. Custom essay writing service has professional writers to write an excellent admission essay for you if you find it hard to get a move on.

Distinguish yourself. There will be many students waiting to get admission to the same foreign university as you have applied to. How to create a completely unique experience to the reader of your essay? Make sure you are genuine while writing.

No plagiarism. Brush up on your writing skills. Do not beat around the bush. GRAPE approach would be the best; i.e. grammatically Correct, Readable, and Accurate, Presentable and Edited data.

Contribute to the University. One of the major factors of the best essays for admission would be seeing how the student can be a great contributor to the university. Do not forget to include how good you are at sports, your academic laurels, achievements, and contributions. Include paragraphs mentioning why you chose the university over others. Make sure you make them feel how you can become an integral part of the academic year.

Make sure you submit the essay on time.

Going abroad is absolutely a personal choice. Once decided plan well, make sure you utilized the chance to the core. Bring back memories and motivate others. A student traveled abroad and studied comes back with a newer perspective. You don’t have to be worried about the admission process and essay, as you have many options like essay writing services and professional writers, are always available to help you at any stage.

Studying in abroad colleges and universities is a great option for students who wouldn’t want to secure their future especially when one easily gets scholarships, loans, and educational assistance. Traveling abroad, learning in a new university and bringing back lessons. It’s not easy as you think. Plan well in advance. Make it happen.

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