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Acrostic Poem Examples

An acrostic poem is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase. Typically, the first letters of each line are used to spell the message, but they can appear anywhere. A poem where the first letter of each line and the last letter of each line spell out words is called a double acrostic.

Acrostic Poems Using the First Letter

Here are some examples using the common method of spelling a word with the first letters of each line:

Spelling out “candy”…

Crunchy chewy


Nice and sweet

Delightful and delicious

Yummy treat

Spelling out “cats”…



Tenacious and terrifying

Softly purring

Spelling out “fear”…


Eerie and strange

Anxiety rises

Ready to flee

Spelling out “spring”…

Sunny days

Plants awakening

Raindrops on the roof

Interesting clouds

New flowers

Gray skies

Spelling out “house”…


Open and inviting


Safe and warm


Acrostic Poems Using Different Positions

Here are some examples of using letters at the end of the line or in different places in each line. The letters that spell out the word are still capitalized:

Spelling out “poem”…

Pick uP a pen

Think of a tOpic

Be crEative

Use your iMagination

Spelling out “food”…

Chicken or beeF

Rice or potatO

Broccoli or tomatO

White wine or reD

Spelling out “sports”…

FootballS and basketballs

UmPires and refs

Defending yOur goal

ScoRing goals

A real Team effort

Crowd goeS wild

Spelling out “star”…

Shines and twinkleS

In the nighT

There is a plethorA

Forever and eveR

Spellling out “school”…

RowS of desks

TeaChers explain

Pencils sHarpened

Going Over the facts

Writing pOems and essays

The belL rings, finally

Acrostic Poems That Spell Names

Here are some examples where the letters spell out someone’s name:

Spelling out “Marion”…

Magnificent, a creature of wonder

Alluring, so attractive

Reliable, a buddy you can count on

Interesting, truly fascinating

Obliging, willing to accommodate

Nice, a sweet soul

Spelling out “Betty”…

Beaming, so joyful

Elegant, so graceful

Tantalizing, thrilling the senses

Thorough, attentive to details

Yearning, a drive to succeed

Spelling out “Sophia”…

Serene, a calming quality

Organized, you always have it together

Picturesque, strikingly beautiful

Honest, so genuine

Imaginative, a creative mind

Alluring, so attractive

Spelling out “Roberto”…

Rebellious, going against the grain

Oomph, you have a magnetic draw

Buoyant, abound with energy

Enchanting, a charming presence

Reassuring, a comforting presence

Trustworthy, your word is good as gold

Obliging, willing to accommodate

Spelling out “Willliam”…

Worthy, your friendship is a gift

Illustrious, bright and accomplished

Lively, the life of the party

Light-hearted, you have an easy laughter

Inspirational, the ability to motivate

Approachable, people turn to you for help

Merry, abundant joy

Acrostic Poems in Literature

Here are some examples:

“An Acrostic” by Edgar Allan Poe…

Elizabeth it is in vain you say

Love not” — thou sayest it in so sweet a way:

In vain those words from thee or L. E. L.

Zantippe’s talents had enforced so well:

Ah! if that language from thy heart arise,

Breathe it less gently forth — and veil thine eyes.

Endymion, recollect, when Luna tried

To cure his love — was cured of all beside —

His folly — pride — and passion — for he died.

From “Georgiana Augusta Keats” by John Keats…

Kind sister! aye, this third name says you are;

Enchanted has it been the Lord knows where;

And may it taste to you like good old wine,

Take you to real happiness and give

Sons, daughters and a home like honied hive.

Acrostic by Lewis Carroll…

Little maidens, when you look

On this little story-book,

Reading with attentive eye

Its enticing history,

Never think that hours of play

Are your only HOLIDAY. (Lorina)

And that in a HOUSE of joy

Lessons serve but to annoy:

If in any HOUSE you find

Children of a gentle mind,

Each the others pleasing ever. (Alice)

Each the others vexing never—

Daily work and pastime daily

In their order taking gaily—

Then be very sure that they

Have a life of HOLIDAY. (Edith)

“Acrostic from Aegina” by David Mason

Anemones you brought back from the path

Nod in a glass beside our rumpled bed.

Now you are far away. In the aftermath

Even these flowers arouse my sleepy head.

Love, when I think of the ready look in your eyes,

Erotas that would make these stone walls blush

Nerves me to write away the morning’s hush.

Nadir of longing, and the red anemones

Over the lucent rim-my poor designs,

X-rated praise I’ve hidden between these lines.

“Stroud” by Paul Hansford

Set among hills in the midst of five valleyS,

This peaceful little market town we inhabiT

Refuses (vociferously!) to be a conformeR.

Once home of the cloth it gave its name tO,

Uphill and down again its streets lead yoU.

Despite its faults it leaves us all charmeD.

Acrostic poems are a fun way to enjoy poetry with a special twist.

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