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A Diagram Of A Internet Cafe Information Technology Essay

The project is based on the setup of the internet café which is bas

Summary: I have prepared use case diagram for the given scenario. Along with the use case diagram, I have prepared specification for individual use cases. Besides, I have prepared an activity diagram.

(a) Class Diagram

-Staff ID


+Create new staff

-Staff Name

+Delete existing staff

+Update staff

Clerical Assistant

-Clerical Assistant ID

-Clerical Assistant Name

– Clerical Assistant Contacts

-Join Date

+ Print address label

+Record customer details

+Print ticket and sale ticket

Station Master

-Station Master ID

-Station Master Name

-Station Master Contacts

-Join Date

+ Provide hand to hand ticket

+Record ticket type details

Rail way manager

-Manager ID

-Manager Name

-Manager Contacts

-Join Date

+ Record time details

+Record engine details

Ticket Booking

-Customer ID

-Booking date

-Booking rate

+ Create Booking

+ Delete Booking


-Customer ID

-Customer Name

-Customers contacts

+ Give Tickets

+ Give requirements

+ Get booking

Booking via mail

-Customer ID

-Booking date

-Booking rate

+ Create Booking

+ Delete Booking

Booking over telephone

-Customer ID

-Booking date

-Booking rate

+ Create Booking

+ Delete Booking

Booking In person

-Customer ID

-Booking date

-Booking rate

+ Create Booking

+ Delete Booking

Figure 2.1: Class Diagram

(b) Attributes and methods:

Class Name: Staff.


Staff ID

Staff Name


Create new staff()

Delete Existing Staff()

Update existing Staff()

Class Name: Railway manager


Manager ID

Manager Name

Manager Contacts

Join date


Record time details()

Record engine details()

Class name: Station Master


Station master ID

Station master Name

Station master contacts.

Join date


Provide hand to hand tickets()

Record ticket type details()

Class name: Clerical Assistant


Clerical Assistant ID

Clerical Assistant Name

Clerical Assistant contacts.

Join date


Print address labels()

Record customer details()

Print and sales ticket ()

Class name: Customer


Customer ID

Customer Name

Customer contacts.


Give tickets()

Give requirements()

Get booking()

Class name: Ticket Booking


Customer ID

Booking date

Booking rate


Create Booking ()

Delete Booking()

Class name: Booking in person


Customer ID

Booking date

Booking rate


Create Booking ()

Delete Booking()

Class name: Booking over telephone


Customer ID

Booking date

Booking rate


Create Booking ()

Delete Booking()

Class name: Booking via mail.


Customer ID

Booking date

Booking rate


Create Booking ()

Delete Booking()


I have prepared a class diagram and described the attributes and methods for each of the classes.

Task 3


In this task, I have to prepare three different diagrams based on analyzing the system. These three diagrams will be behavioral models using object oriented method.

Sequence diagram:

A sequence diagram is a model showing sequences of events and interactions that happen within several layers and persons within the system. In need of behavioral modeling, sequence diagram helps to understand relevant behavior of the potential system. Following diagram shows the sequential diagram for the suggested system.

Sequence Diagram



Ticket Booking

Request for ticket booking

Check Booking Info

Check customer info

Request customer details

Give customer detail

Choose ticket

Confirm ticket booking

Figure 3.1: Sequence diagram

State Machine:

State machine is close to activity diagram. Whereas in activity diagram, interactions are displayed, here the state of the different layers of the system is displayed. Following diagrams demonstrates state machine diagrams for ticket processing and providing it to customers hand to hand, to address or via mail.

Requesting ticket booking

Checking ticket availability

Ticket not available


Provide ticket information

Make choice of ticket

Ticket not chosen

Confirm ticket booking


Print ticket

Provide ticket to customer

Figure 3.2: State Machine Diagram

Communication Diagrams:

2. Select customers () 2.1. Show customers ()

3. Select Ticket Availability () 3.1. Show ticket availability ()

4. Choose ticket () 4.1. Show ticket ()

1. Start UI {}

: Ticket booking

: Ticket booking

<<Control class>>

<<Boundary class>>

3.2 Get ticket information ()Staff

4.2 confirm ticket booking

2.2 Get customers details ()

: Ticket booking

: Customers

<<Entity class>>

<<Entity class>>

Figure 3.3: Communication Diagram

Summary: I have prepared three different diagrams representing behavioral modeling of the proposed system.

Task 4


In this task, I have to demonstrate the data protection laws available in the locality. Besides, I have to describe how they can be implemented. This discussion has to be practical enough in contrast with the real scenario.

Some words on data protection laws:

Data protection laws deal with the intellectual property of any organization. In a general sense, this talks about how the intellectual property should be protected and what will be happened if the data is damaged. And if it is deliberate, then what procedure will be used to prevent any further approach. Data protection laws in a sense is a vital approach that establishes promise to protect any company’s intellectual property.

(a) Our countries scenario with data protection laws:

Unfortunately, in our country there are no governmental data protection laws available. Since protecting intellectual property is the major thing for any organization, organizations use their own protocol for protecting data. Big IT dependent companies across the country have their individual data protection laws.

Following sections cover data protection management available in our country-

Accessibility Restriction: Accessibility within a particular system area is determined by administrators, which prevent wrong persons to be in a wrong place. Any person with no prior knowledge on any advance part of a system can cause damage to it even though unintentionally. Within the area of confidential data sources, not everyone should be allowed to access.

User Authentication: After ensuring minimal user restriction, establishing user authentication allows the system to be protected from unauthorized activity. A system is bound within limit; users are bound with limits of usage or activities, which lead into the necessity of user authentication.

Distribution of level: This is another major approach by which it is ensured that there are multiple levels of the system within which multiple levels of users are allowed to do activity.

System Security: System must be protected both physically and logically. Tickets room must be preserved from free access. Data stored should be encrypted. Disk partitions usage should be restricted to bare minimal.

(b) Implementation of protection laws against the railway’s system:

The computer system being developed can be secured by implementing one of the above-mentioned ways. Following points cover some of the ways that would be sufficient for the railway:

The most usable way is user authentication method. To access the system, user has to enter the username and password. The password should match length and complexity requirements. This authentication procedure can protect the system from any unauthorized access of the system.

Different level of authentication can be implied. While somebody is trying to breach the system, he may find one of the passwords, but not likely will get all to breach all the data.

Level of accessibility is another approach highly effective for the new system. Administrator will have the full access when other will have limited access within their usage limitation.

(c) Ensuring data protection in the current system:

Testing: Testing all the security procedure potentially available and planned for the current system.

Validation: Validation procedures would be set for the system. When users will try to enter the system with passwords and usernames, system will check for validity and permission limitation.

Encryption: System will have the capability to encrypt potential sensitive data. This will protect data from being unveiled to a wrong hand.


I have gathered information on security and protection laws and application of the laws with the current system. Possible details of methods that can be implemented for the current system are also given.

Task 5


In this task, I have to demonstrate the system’s capability of preparing tickets. Along with preparing tickets, I also have to describe that how the system will be able to prepare tickets that cannot be copied easily and will be easy to print with cost effective printing medium. Besides, I also need to describe the hardware related with printing by researching available options.

New system will mainly deal with the tickets. Preparing tickets is one of the major jobs with protection features from being copied. Following section demonstrates some methods by which tickets can’t be copied-

Copy prevention methods:

In each ticket, ticket creator will give a 12 digit number as a barcode. Each time ticket’s barcode will be checked by checker software or barcode scanner.

Ticket must not be printed on any typical paper. Each ticket will be printed on specialized printing paper that is not likely to be copied or available.

Each ticket will carry individual customer’s identification along with the seat number. Every detail must be unique within all the tickets.

Practically watermarks are given with conventional software. So, specialized watermark should be printed on the ticket.

Specialized hologram is another way to protect ticket from being copied.

Allowing customers to select multiple tickets of different types:

There are several procedures here to allow customers to make choice from different types of ticket.

In person: When station master will deal with the booking of a ticket, he will deal with a person face to face. Customer can practically look through available tickets and make choice that suits them the most.

Via telephone: When a client will get connected through a telephone, then clerical assistant will provide with enough information. When customers will ask clerical assistant for ticket booking, assistant will provide available options after knowing the destination of the customers.

Via email: When customers will request for a ticket via email, clerical assistant will record the email. Then he will send a feed back by giving all detailed options that are available. Then after processing all data, selected ticket will be confirmed.

Printing hardware and media details:

For printing the tickets, several system components will be necessary. Printers, printing servers, computers will be necessary. Among the conventional products for these purposes, there are so many which can be used here to establish the printing service for the labels and tickets.

Details of suggested conventional product for printing



Price ($)




Ticket Printer



Computer maintenance


Application software

Atlas developer ltd.


Power Supply


Printing Server


Figure 5.1: Hardware details

Brief details of some components:

Application Software:

Application software for preparing tickets and printing them on a media is customized software developed by a conventional developer. Rather than buying mass market software, it’s better to have one specifically made for specific purpose. This will also be a better option for security issue

Ticket printers:

Rather than installing general purpose printers, ticket printers are suggested to be used. Ticket printers are specially made for printing tickets. Following image shows a typical ticket printer-

Figure 5.2: Ticket Printer

Printing Server:

Printing server is a typical server installed for printing purposes. This server is established by computers.


I have demonstrated several issues on printing and printing media for ticket serving purposes. I have also discussed about the hardware that could be set to establish system for printing those tickets.

Task 6


In this task, I have to prepare several normalized table with relevant information within different levels. After completing normalization tables, I have to prepare data dictionary entries for all items included in the database design.

Task 6 (a)

Ticket booking normalization:

Normalization refers to dividing a database into several tables to determine their relationship among each other.

Data Aggregation:

Serial No.

Booking Type

Customer ID

Customer Name

Customer Address


Staff Type

Staff ID

Staff Name

Seat No.


2. Choosing key: Serial No.

3. Converting to 1NF (Removing repeating data):

Serial No (PK)

Booking name

Booking type

Customer Id

Customer name

Customer address


Staff type

Staff Id

Staff name

4. Converting to 2NF (Removing Partial Key Dependency):

Serial No (PK)

Booking name

Booking type

Customer Id

Customer name

Customer address


Staff type

Staff Id

Staff name

5. Converting to 3NF (Removing non-key dependency):

Ticket Booking

Serial No (PK)

Booking name

Booking type


Customer Id

Customer name

Customer address



Staff type

Staff Id

Staff name

Task 6 (b)

Data Dictionary for Customer:

Data dictionary




Type: structure Name: customer


: Client



customer Id+

customer name+

Customer contacts+




Rajan Khan



Figure: Data dictionary for customers.

2. Data dictionary for staff

Data dictionary




Type: structure Name: Staff


: employee

Definition: Staff:

Staff Id+

Staff name+

Staff Contacts




Rajan Khan



Figure: Data Dictionary for Staff

3. Data dictionary for ticket booking.

Data dictionary





Type: structure Name: Ticket Booking


Ticket Booking

Definition: Ticket booking :

Ticket serial No+

Ticket Booking date+

Ticket Booking rate+




Rajan Khan



Figure: Data Dictionary for ticket booking


I have completed normalized data tables and dictionary entries for all the items that will be included in the database.

Task 7


In this task, I have to remark the objected oriented methodology for designing system or developing system. Besides, I have to relate my remarks with the system design that I have done for the previous tasks. Then, along with describing object oriented methods, I also have to remark structured methods.

Differentiation between both methods:

For Task 1:

Object Oriented: For designing diagrams in task 1, use case diagram and activity diagram are used. For analyzing every detail use case diagram include detailed specification.

Structured: As per the requirements stated in structured diagram, DFD (Data Flow Diagram) could solve the problems of task 1.

For task 2:

Object Oriented: Since object oriented methods are practically dependent on object-class architecture, here class diagram is used.

Structured: In structured methodology, ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) is used.

For task 3:

Object Oriented: Here the sequence and communication diagram are used.

Structured: Here the ELH (Entity Life History) would be used.

Object Oriented Methods:


System can be very large. In object oriented method, modularization divides whole system into several manageable smaller parts or objects. In that way, when parts are developed, they can be synchronized to make the whole system working.

Object oriented applications are more scalable than the structured tools.

With looking at the modules of the system, it is possible to make an overview on how the system is going to be.


Legacy Systems are built in structured programming languages. So when it is necessary to convert those systems, it becomes a tough job.

Object Oriented Database Management Systems are not available.

Since there are many choices with object oriented methodology, sometimes unexpected confusion can rise.

ed on three floors near university of East London campus. The important part of this project is working and setup of LAN within internet café and usage of different hardware and software. Minimum requirement was to setup 75 computers and to have secure and authentic network with correct hardware and software’s used. Network diagram has been given to clarify the usage and working of network. The implementation of the network is a logic base and the stages have been discussed properly. The OSI model is an important part of the network which has been discussed at different stages of the network.

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Network Structure:

This would be the structure of our network and it will work same as it will be described. The distribution of the network is on three floors. The router is being given single registered IP and it will distribute further IP’s on network division. We have connected 40 computers on first floor and 35 computers on second floors. Third floor provides servers which are file server, FTP server and web server. This is a secure and authentic network. This connection uses the router which has single registered IP and it provides distributions of IP to other computers on the network.

Implementation of Network:

The implementation of this project includes the detailed notes of things which we need to apply for setup of different system.

We need 75 Computers atleast on this network. Router is needed, 3 Switches, Data cables and Server computers.

The minimum requirement of this project is 75 Computers which we have to use at least. This café is based on three floors. We will be setting up 35 computers on first floor and 40 computers on second floor. Third floor will be for admin and server purpose which will be used as IT department or Administration department. We will setup 3 computers as server purpose. We connect computers with switch first and then we make its connection with router. In total, we will be using 3 switches, and one router. Router is provided with single registered IP which is ISP and then it is further divided on the distribution of the network. The most important part of the network setup is to have exact connections. We make these connections using LAN cable. LAN cables are most commonly used and this cable is normally used in LAN networks, it has RJ-45 connectors and it transmits heavy data and connection. We can also connect printers on 3 floors to make sure they are completely used by customers and they have a network over all. We connect these all computers and printers with Switch. Switch is also used for same purpose as HUB but it is more intelligent and fast device. Its biggest benefit is that each port has its own collision domain. It operates at data link later of OSI model.

OSI model is helpful in implementing the system of network at different layer style and shows the exact layer at which data and network operates. There are seven layers of OSI model. OSI stands for Open System Interconnection.

Physical Layer

Data Link Layer

Network Layer

Transport Layer

Session Layer

Presentation Layer

Application Layer

All the physical connection and parts come in Physical layer of OSI model. Connection between different computers and Switch, network layer are physical layer. It relates to electrical, mechanical and functional interaction.

Data Link Layer includes connection of computers with switch. It sends data frames from network to others computers.

Network Layer shows the connection of router. Router has been given with single registered IP address, and each computer has been given different IP address. It is responsible for putting data segments into packets.

Transport layer is responsible for segmenting data. Data to be delivered free of errors and debugging system is responsibility of Transport layer.

Networking software which is normally used is TCP/IP protocol, IPv4 etc, this concept of network setup protocols involves Session Layer. It establishes connection through application running on two different computers.

Presentation layer and application layer are responsible for software activities going on within computers. Presentation later determines the format of exchanging the data flow among the network. Application layer handles network access. It recovers errors.

Use of Protocols:

Protocols are the addressing schemes used to implement a network. Each computer on the network is identified as unique and is allocated different IP address. The most important protocol which is used to make a network is TCP/IP. Protocols are important part of the network. Protocols are transmitted in packets. There are different protocols which could be installed from Network properties depending on the requirements of the user if he needs to install other network technology. Internet protocols are very sensitive and could be affected by hackers and different viruses which could result in loss of data or unauthorized access of the computer. It should be important that a network should have FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server which could implement security shield on the network to make it more secure and prevent it from unauthorized access.

TCP/IP is known as transmission control protocol/Internet protocol. It is a technology that is used to manage the transmission of data by breaking it into packets. They travel through router. TCP/IP option is in the properties of the network. It is also used for sharing of computers over the network.

Apart from TCP/IP, we also used IPv4 which is internet protocol version 4. It is an addressing scheme which is really essential part of the network.

It is most widely organized internet layer protocol. It is a connectionless protocol used for packet switching link layer. IPv4 can establish more than 256 connections. Its range starts from 0 – 255. We can use up go 255 bits. IPv4 can be defined manually as well which can be allocated. Manual configuration can change IP of the system for some purposes as well. This process is normally done for the hacking process as it changes the identity of the user. Also there are three main classes which are used in it as Subnetting.

The most common IP have four classes which range from:

Class A: 0-127

Class B: 128-191

Class C: 192-223

Class D: 224-239

Subnetting is a part of the network establishment connection which gives the detail of network division among the computers. Dividing networks in smaller parts are called Subnetting. It proves logical division of an IP address. . Subnetting an IP can be done for the various reasons which generally include different physical media, address space, security, control network traffic etc. Format of Subnetting mask is There are four classes which are normally used for Subnetting. Subnetting classes are normally divided into 3 categories. Class A provides syntax like, Class B and Class C Class C syntax is normally used over the network for personal and official use.

We have used IP address for this project. This address has been borrowed from ISP and it is further divided by Subnetting process. Our default subnet mask address is

We have to divide the network to three sub networks. There will be difference in IP of 64 bits. Our new IP address range for the three networks would be – – –

This will be our new IP range for our network. Range can be set manually as well through the properties of network. This network is shared and be used over FTP server.

Cost of setup:

Cost of the network would an estimated price because different retailers offer different prices on different products used. The project cost has been take individual and has been take an idea from different electronic retailers like Curry’s, PC world and other retailers. The ideal things we have to use are to have at least normal specification system which could work ideally on network. This system normally cost about 200 – 250 pounds. This specification normally doesn’t include mouse and keyboard of the system. They can be bought separately and some of the sets come with the whole pack. This kind of system normally works efficiently on the server network and new and update software’s can be installed easily. It is requirement by day to day computers to update the software’s and some internet café also use heavy software’s for networking technology.

We also need router with good network connectivity and range. Network router which should have at least 5 ports is ideal. Normally router range starts from £30. Netgear routers are normally recommended by electronic retailers and network engineers as well.

Switches are important part of network. We will be using 3 switches on this network. Each switch cost about £100. Recommended switches are CICSO and NETGEAR. They are used widely over the networks and are more reliable.

Local area network cables are important. They have to be in bunch and of different lengths depending upon the setup of the network area. £2 is a cost of normal RJ – 45 cables which is of short length.

We can use Printer, scanner on the network as well. This is not required but it could be used depending upon the need of the network. If printers are used on network, then all in one Printer are more reliable as they have all the facilities all in one. We can have scanner, printer and copier in it.

This cost is the estimated for this project, prices of the products differs in the market day by day. There are some other peripherals as well that we can use over the network like USB cables, extension cables etc depending on the need.

Search and Analysis:

This research has been taken personally from the existing local internet café. Café exists in Newham County. They have used the method of setting up the internet. Internet café used 2 switches for their network purpose and they have 30 computers. 2 servers were used by them and rest the same. Research about LAN has been taken out from Internet, and the calculation based that how it works from the class lectures. Latest technology has been used over the setup of the internet café. Also the idea has been taken to setup internet café in LAN from the internet which gives further description of the initiative setup by different hardware and software used among the network. College network has been taken in mind as well to find out the research and correct equipment and devices used for this purpose. Survey has also been taken from local office which is situated on two floors and it used the same procedure to implement the network. This result in the exact structure and was working up to date. Other ideas have also been taken from WIKIPEDIA which gives the further investigations on LAN network and it is more easy to find the exact setup.

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It has been concluded from different sources of the setup which is kept in mind to find out the correct investigation on this network that it is secure and reliable network with no faults in it. This setup can prove the best use of the internet café and is also concluded the setup has been properly managed and is used by the exact procedure. 75 computers have been properly managed and are connected equally with switches, and then connected with router. The network has been managed properly and uses the latest technology server computers to maintain the network with authentication and authorized access.


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