In college you get to know the first and foremost secret of successful budgeting. It’s actually having a budget. The following apps will help you make it easier to save money in college:
- Wally (free) for Android and iOS. This app will help you bring all the financial information you need into an easy view, so that you can take control of it.
- Level Money (free) for Android and iOS. This app will show you an infographic on how much money you can afford to spend today, this week and this month. After you sync it with your online banking accounts, it will ask you about the percentage of income you’d like to leave as savings and then the app will gently remind you how much you can spend.
- You Need a Budget (free) for Android and iOS. This app will allow you to input your cash spending on the go. You’ll see how much you can still spend in different categories.
- Spendee (free) for Android and iOS. It’s brightly colored and easy to use. You can even upload photos of receipts and bills.
- Mint. It’s one of the most popular finance apps in the world. It gives you a complete picture of all of your personal finances and even sends you alerts if you exceed your planned budget.
You will be surprised to learn how much money you can save in college by simply tracking your income and expenses. Getting a savings plan can improve your financial situation. Say ‘no’ to unnecessary spending and you can even avoid credit debts and night shifts at your part-time job. Our own light-mindedness is often the core reason for our financial hardships.