Lab Reports

A Lab Report is a species of scientific writing which documents the findings and analyses of an experiment, outlining their significance and exploring the various interpretations thereof in relation to precursor research. In part, therefore, a Lab Report is a research document, which lays out for the reader the relevant contextual studies framing the current experiment. The point being to establish the context, and so the purpose, of the investigation. Primarily a means of transmitting data, Lab Reports also afford a comprehensive exploration of the specific scientific concepts at play, demonstrating the author’s understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the data. The purpose is to establish connections or divergences between the observed results and proffered hypotheses, and then to explain why and how they came about. Put simply, to see if you what you suppose will happen actually happens. Hence one is following an established formula of scientific composition. This Begins with hypothesising, advancing a proposition as a premise to your investigation. This hypothesis guides the experiment: it is the mark by which the results are measured, testing whether the conjecture of the hypothesis is corroborated by eventual findings.

If this all sounds somewhat technical that is because it is. The Lab Report is the principal vehicle for transmitting scientific information. Accordingly it follows a well-established technical register, and for good reason: precision technical terminology is unambiguous, meaning it can be readily deciphered by other scientists. Science is a collective endeavour and depends upon the reproducibility of experiment conditions and thus of results, so that findings may be confirmed or disputed. This is why Lab Reports exhibit specialist language and tend to direct, declarative phraseology: because the first objective is to convey information in an objective and transparent manner. For this reason, in composing a Lab Report, one needs correctly to navigate scientific terminology, to employ the appropriate discourse for the task. Moreover, one should follow the established format, of “Abstract”, “Introduction”, “Hypothesis”, “Methodology”, “Experiment”, “Results”, “Discussion”, and “Conclusion”. The linear chronology of the above headings essentially mirrors the sequence of the experiment stages. Again, this is convention and helps ease of comprehension. Once one knows one’s way around one scientific paper, one knows their way around all such papers.

When writing a Lab Report, one is very much working to a rigorous pre-established set of formal codes; these need to be followed if one’s Report is to pass muster. Science is a domain of precision in method and process. Even where one’s hypothesis is not corroborated by results, such findings service the greater collective effort. A first-rate Lab Report does not need to unearth some paradigm-shattering discovery. Instead, quality scientific composition is the culmination of various codes and conventions established over the years in aid of a consistent system of discovery. A good Lab Report should be systematic and lucid, logically reasoned, and readily intelligible to any scientist who picks it up.

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