Someone help me with my online history class! I need a tutor for my online class. More accurately, I need someone to help me with my online history class because I am terrible at it.
There are way too many required readings and even when I do them, I can’t really grasp the historical context. I’m 3 weeks into this course and I’m already way behind. It’s my own fault for taking a Civil War history class, and the professor for the class is really into it. There are way too many dates, generals and battlefields to remember.
Also, I need help with my writing. I can’t do the essays. It’s killing me. So, basically, what I’m looking for is someone who can not only help me get my act together in regards to the Civil War, but I need someone who can carefully look over my papers and make sure I’m getting the context right. Not only that, this online history class that I need help with uses APA style formatting, and I have always used MLA.
I’m a journalism major, and I care about current events. Still, I liked Ken Burns, and I would really like to know more. So, I don’t need someone to do the class for me. I need help.
This history class is a summer course, and I’m one semester away from graduating. So, I need this credit badly. I will pay a flat rate for the class, and I can pay more for papers that need editing. I will be taking credit or all of this, so all work needs to be original.
Like I said before, the professor for this course knows everything about the Civil War, so I need someone to help me with my online history class who has a more than a general understanding of the battles, characters and politics, not just that Lincoln got shot while watching Our American Cousin. The person who will help me with my online history class will need to know what Lincoln had in his wallet when he died, which, by the way, was a few newspaper clippings and a confederate five dollar bill (See! This guy is nuts!)
There is no text book for this online history class, but it does have a number of required readings. So, the person I need will have to be familiar with some of the subject matter, namely: the economic problems of naval trade in the South, the New York riots and the Battle of Shiloh.
So, to recap, I need someone to help me with my online history class, not do it for me, and I need someone who knows what they are doing.
This tutor needs to listen to the same online history lectures as me, and they need to be able to not only give me ideas but also help me with my citations and paper ideas. Occasionally, I may ask that one of these papers be done for me, and I may even want the tests done in my stead. So, discretion is a must.