Effective Praise Writing Skills

Effective praise writing skills can be honed with relative ease. All it takes is a crash course in persuasive writing and humbleness in order to make the praise writing believable.

Writing with Praise

Writing accolades on a book, artist or employee requires effective praise writing skills. There is no way that you can write praise without having that certain je nais sais quo necessary to make the accolades or praise believable.

Often revered as a form of positive reinforcement, praise writing usually comes in the form of a blurb of maybe one hundred words or less. Not quite a review, praise writing is in a sense an accolade that lauds a piece of work or an action by an individual. It is a personal compliment that comes in the form of a quote.

Everyday Samples

Here are a few samples of effective praise writing used in everyday situations. Try to decide which ones are used for the work environment and which ones are used for the arts.

Sample 1

When the company had a twelve hour turnaround to produce a brand new set of major initiatives for corporate, your efforts made all the difference because you grabbed the bull by the horns and served in a team leader capacity for our IT department. By organizing priorities, setting realistic goals, and motivating your fellow employees we were able to get the job done. I am happy to have you on our team.

Sample 2

I will never forget your drive to go above and beyond the call of duty for our charity fair. Organizing the Wii competition for our charity drive really boosted the company’s annual giving donations. Your example is a great lesson for us. Thank you for your assistance.

Sample 3

“Corky’s Song” the debut cd of K.D. Bissell is a one of a kind sound that evokes all things blissfilled.

Sample 4

The latest novel by C.J. Write is the much needed breath of fresh air. C.J. really knows how to make people feel appreciated.

Praise writing can literally be done for any medium. The basic elements are to:

  • Be positive and convey why you are complimenting the individual.
  • Make it a point to bring to light the positive personal qualities of the individual and the special efforts that they have accomplished.

By expressing praise, you show your appreciation for the recipient and instill confidence either blatantly or subtly.

Tips for Writing Praise

When you are praise writing you should open your memo or letter with a complimentary sentence. For example, “I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazing worker,” is a sample of a good complimentary sentence.

You need to acknowledge the positive qualities and special efforts that the individual brought to the table. For example, your supportive sentence could be “You always manage to perform at peak levels daily.”

You can further express your appreciation for the recipient. An example of this includes, “Thank you so much for your helpful contributions.”

Once you put it all together you will have an effective piece of praise writing.

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