5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer

It may be difficult to come up with ideas for an essay especially, when it is one that has an assigned topic. Although, it can be made easier and less frustrating through the use of a 5 paragraph essay graphic organizer. By using one of these, you will be able to plan out your essay by grouping your thoughts together before you begin writing. This way, when your ready to write, all you would need to do is to add your ideas together by putting connection words between them. The basic organizer will consist of circles or bubbles that are laid out on a sheet of paper.

Your 5 paragraph essay graphic organizer should start with a large circle in the middle of your paper. This large circle will represent your title or main purpose for the story. So if your title is to be Fourth of July events then you would write that in the middle of the circle.

Next, you are going to make smaller circles to go around the larger one. You can do this by branching them out with spokes or lines. You are going to make 3 smaller circles outside the title circle. These smaller circles are going to be your main ideas or points that go along with your title. Inside each of these circles you are going to write out 1 thing that you would like to cover within your 5 paragraph essay.

Finally, on the outside of these circles, you will make 3 more that will be like fingers for your circles. Inside these, you will write 3 bits of information to support your main ideas. When your graphic organizer is finished, you will have everything you need to put your essay together. Remember to include your thesis or summary of the introduction and main points within your organizer as well.

When you get ready to add everything together, start from your main circle on your graphic organizer and work your way out, putting your thoughts into sentences and joining them together with conjunctions as you go. You will find that using this system to write your 5 paragraph essay will turn out to be much more efficient in the long run.

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